How to Create an Estate Plan That Works

An estate plan tells your loved ones and the courts how you want to divide your property, as well as protecting heirs from the expenses and stress created when there is no estate plan. An estate plan also saves your family from months, even years, of dealing with courts and government bureaucracies in settling your estate.

How to start? Follow these steps.

Make a complete inventory of your assets, both tangible and intangible. Your Estate is made up of different assets such as real estate, cars, financial accounts, digital assets, life insurance, retirement accounts, pension accounts and personal property. Save your heirs from a scavenger hunt and protect assets from being lost.

Decide who you want to care for your family. If you have children who are underage, name a guardian in your will. The guardian often serves as the conservator, managing the children’s financial assets. Check on your life insurance policies, which provide funds for your family after you’ve passed.

Ask potential personal representatives if they are willing to do the work. The personal representative carries out directions in your will. It can be a big responsibility. They’ll need to gather and manage assets of your estate, notify heirs, Social Security, Medicare, pay estate taxes, secure and possibly sell your home, and more.

Have an experienced estate planning attorney set up at least three key elements: a will, power of attorney, and advance medical directive.

The Will names a guardian and a personal representative (also known as an executor) and gives directions for distributing assets. The biggest estate planning mistake people make is not having a will. When this happens, the court assigns someone to manage your estate, and your family will have to live with whatever the court-appointed person decides.

A Power of Attorney allows someone to care for your business affairs if incapacitated.

An Advance Medical Directive (“AMD”) will enable you to name someone to be involved with your healthcare, speak with your doctors and health insurance company, and help make decisions for you. These documents should be customized to convey your wishes as to how much or how little you want these people to be able to do. An advanced healthcare directive is also used to state your wishes if you are incapacitated about what kind of treatment you do or do not want to receive if you are at the end of your life. This document can be challenging to consider. However, it is a blessing to spare your family from having to guess your wishes during a time of crisis.

Discuss the use of a trust with an estate planning attorney. Trusts are not just for wealthy people. Some trusts take assets from your taxable estate and distribute them directly to beneficiaries outside of probate. Many kinds of trusts serve different purposes, so your estate planning attorney will help you understand which is best for your purposes.

Determine who to leave your assets to and how to structure your estate. If you have young children and you don’t establish the correct trusts, they may inherit everything when they turn 18 or 21. This is rarely a good idea.

Tax planning is a part of estate planning. Your estate may face federal, estate, and/or inheritance taxes. Rates and exemptions are different in every state. This is why it is important to disclose all of your assets and their values to your estate planning attorney.

The incapacity planning part of an estate plan is for you. However, the rest is for your family, to take care of them and show them how much you care about them and their futures.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary initial consultation with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys. They will walk you through our unique Sims & Campbell firm process and guide you on the next steps in creating your custom estate plan.

How Divorce Affects an Estate Plan

Divorce changes not only a person’s financial and personal life but also the way their assets will be handled after death. Many people overlook the importance of updating estate planning documents after a divorce, which can result in unintended beneficiaries receiving inheritances or former spouses retaining control over critical financial and medical decisions. Taking the time to revise an estate plan ensures that assets are protected and aligned with post-divorce goals.

How Divorce Affects Your Estate Plan

Divorce changes personal and financial circumstances and how assets will be distributed after death. Many forget to update their estate plans, leaving former spouses as beneficiaries or decision-makers. Without revisions, an ex-spouse could inherit assets, manage finances, or make medical decisions in an emergency.

Key documents that need immediate attention include wills, trusts, powers of attorney and beneficiary designations on life insurance and retirement accounts. Updating these ensures that assets go to intended heirs and that financial and medical decisions remain in trusted hands.

Updating Wills and Trusts

A divorce does not automatically remove an ex-spouse from an estate plan. If a will or trust still names the former spouse as a primary beneficiary or executor, they may inherit assets or retain authority over the estate. Updating key documents includes:

  • Revising a will to name new beneficiaries and executors
  • Amending or revoking any revocable trusts that include the former spouse
  • Reviewing state laws, some jurisdictions automatically void spousal provisions upon divorce, while others do not

Failing to update these documents may lead to unnecessary legal battles or the distribution of assets against the person’s wishes.

Changing Beneficiary Designations

Many financial assets pass directly to named beneficiaries outside of a will, making beneficiary updates essential after divorce. Documents to review include:

  • Life insurance policies and retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs
  • Payable-on-death (POD) and transfer-on-death (TOD) accounts
  • Jointly held assets or real estate with right of survivorship

If an ex-spouse remains listed as a beneficiary, they may still receive these assets, regardless of the divorce decree. Updating beneficiary designations ensures that assets go to the intended individuals.

Adjusting Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives

Divorce often necessitates appointing new individuals to manage financial and medical decisions in case of incapacity. Changes to consider include:

  • Naming a new power of attorney for financial matters
  • Revising a healthcare proxy to designate a trusted individual for medical decisions
  • Ensuring that living wills and advance directives reflect current wishes

Leaving a former spouse in control of these decisions can lead to unintended complications, particularly in medical emergencies.

Spousal Elective Share

Some states, such as Maryland, have a spousal elective share which allows a surviving spouse to claim a portion of the deceased spouse’s estate, even if they were excluded from the will. This is a protection for a surviving spouse who might otherwise be left with nothing due to the deceased spouse’s will or other estate planning documents. A spouse can waive the right to an elective share if they signed a valid pre-nuptial agreement or post-nuptial agreement giving up this right.

Secure Your Legacy with an Updated Estate Plan

Divorce requires more than financial separation—it demands a complete estate plan review to prevent unintended consequences. Ensuring that your will, trusts and powers of attorney reflect your current wishes is critical to protecting your assets and loved ones.

Our boutique law firm provides comprehensive estate planning services to help you update legal documents after divorce. Schedule a consultation today with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys to secure your financial future.

Key Takeaways

  • Wills and trusts must be updated after divorce: Failing to revise estate documents may result in an ex-spouse inheriting assets or serving as executor.
  • Beneficiary designations require careful review: Retirement accounts, life insurance and bank accounts should be updated to reflect new intentions.
  • Powers of attorney and healthcare directives should be revised: Naming a new agent ensures that a trusted individual handles financial and medical decisions.
  • State laws may impact estate plan changes: Some jurisdictions automatically revoke spousal provisions, while others require updating specific documents.
  • Proactive planning prevents legal disputes: Updating an estate plan immediately after divorce helps avoid unintended consequences and ensures that assets are distributed according to new wishes.

References: Investopedia (June 25, 2024) “Rewriting Your Will After Divorce” and Justia (September 2024) Estate Planning After Divorce

Don’t Leave Grandchildren a Tax Bill- Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Changes in tax laws have made estate planning a top priority when it comes to leaving retirement savings accounts to heirs, says a recent article from The Wall Street Journal, “How to Leave Grandkids Your Retirement Savings—and Not a Huge Tax Bill.”

Heirs who are not spouses have to empty inherited retirement accounts within 10 years of the death of the original owners, with few exceptions. Before the law changed in 2020, heirs had decades to do this, enjoying tax-free growth.

For many families, these changes require drawing up new trusts and changing estate plans to maximize the family’s after-tax wealth. Some also make a series of Roth conversions or significant generation-skipping lifetime gifts.

How much is at stake? Americans held $12.5 trillion in IRAs as of March 31, and about half of households headed by someone 65 and older have an IRA.

A gradual conversion from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs makes sense for many, so children and grandchildren can inherit the money tax-free. The taxes are being paid upfront. Once the money is in the Roth, it grows tax-free, and heirs can take it out tax-free when they inherit.

If the inheritance occurs during the grandchildren’s or parents’ highest earning years, they can cause a massive tax bill. Minor grandchildren might need to file a tax return to report the IRA payout, and the income could be taxed at the parent’s rate.

For many grandparents, the solution is to make lifetime gifts to grandchildren as soon as they are born, from paying for diapers and preschool to setting up 529 college savings plans and having trusts created and funded to save estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes.

Leaving an IRA outright to grandchildren, even with the ten-year payout period, is usually not a good idea. They may see the inheritance as a windfall and go through it quickly. Having conversations about your intention for their use of the money is a good idea. However, it’s not legally binding.

Inherited IRAs also come with administrative headaches. You can’t convert an inherited traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, add money to an inherited IRA, or combine an inherited IRA with your own IRA.

Leaving an IRA in a trust may seem complicated. However, it’s a worthwhile move if there are concerns about how parents or grandchildren might handle an inheritance. A trustee would distribute the money based on the terms set in the trust. This prevents the scenario of a young adult inheriting more money than they’ll know what to do with.

Your estate planning attorney will be able to help your family minimize the tax impact of inheritance with a comprehensive plan.

Reference: The Wall Street Journal (July 9, 2023) “How to Leave Grandkids Your Retirement Savings—and Not a Huge Tax Bill”

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys!

Sims & Campbell, LLC- Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Do I Need an Estate Planning Attorney? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Sound estate planning can help minimize taxes and expenses associated with transferring your assets and property after your death, says Urban Asia’s recent article entitled “Why Is It Important To Hire An Estate Planning Attorney.”

An experienced estate planning attorney can help you with your estate planning goals efficiently, avoiding legal processes that can be time-consuming and costly. Estate planning through an attorney can help you, and your loved ones avoid legal complications or unwanted delays.

What are the benefits of hiring an experienced estate planning attorney?

  • Legal expertise: They have specialized knowledge of the laws and regulations governing probate and estates. They can advise you on the best plan to suit the utilization of your assets and needs, and make sure that your estate planning complies with all applicable laws.
  • Tax implications: Estates can have tax implications. An experienced estate planning attorney can advise you on how to structure your estate plan to minimize taxes and maximize the benefits for your beneficiaries.
  • Customization: They can help customize your estate plan to suit your individual needs and goals.
  • Protection of beneficiaries: Estate planning attorneys can help protect your heirs’ interests by ensuring that your will and trust are administered correctly. They can help assure that all your assets are protected from creditors and other legal claims.
  • Charitable giving: An estate planning attorney can advise you on how to make philanthropic gifts, either during your lifetime or at death, through charitable trusts or other charitable giving vehicles.
  • Incapacity planning: They can help you plan for incapacity by creating a power of attorney or living will to let you specify how your assets and property should be managed, if you are unable to decide for yourself.

Finding the right attorney for estate planning can be a challenging task. Estate planning can be complex, and selecting an attorney with experience and expertise in this discipline is essential. Therefore, look for an attorney with plenty of experience in estate planning.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Urban Asia (Jan. 22, 2023) “Why Is It Important To Hire An Estate Planning Attorney”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Should I Ask a Prospective Estate Planning Attorney? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Estate planning has many important advantages like providing for your immediate family, making certain your assets are distributed the way you want, supporting charitable causes, and more.

The Baltimore Post-Examiner’s recent article entitled “5 Questions to Ask an Estate Planning Attorney” provides some questions to help you find the right person to help you with this essential task.

  1. Do You Practice Only in Estate Planning? Specialization is critical, so find a lawyer whose practice focuses on estate planning. This person will be up to date on any law or regulation changes that impact estate planning.
  2. How Long Have You Been an Estate Planning Lawyer? It’s essential to find a lawyer specializing in estate planning. However, it’s also important to work with an experienced estate planning attorney who’s been doing this for some time. A lawyer who has practiced in the field for many years will have experience dealing with challenges to estate planning, such as will contests and disinheriting relatives.
  3. Do You Provide Periodic Reviews? Make sure you can come in and have periodic reviews to make possible changes when there are changes in your life.
  4. Are You Able to Help Me Create a Comprehensive Estate Plan? Make sure that you find an attorney who can help you develop an estate plan that include trusts, wills, powers of attorney and life insurance policies. An experienced estate planning attorney will be in the best position to assist you.
  5. What Do You Charge? Understand the pricing. Some attorneys charge a flat fee, some charge by the hour and others charge flat fees for some tasks and by the hour for other tasks. Look for an estate planning attorney who’s upfront and transparent with pricing.

Find a reputable estate planning attorney who can explain the process, help you make the right plans and then walk you through regular reviews.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Baltimore Post-Examiner (Jan. 24, 2023) “5 Questions to Ask an Estate Planning Attorney”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Do I Need a Will If I’m Leaving Insurance Policy to a Beneficiary? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

If you aren’t thorough with your estate planning, you could create conflict, even with the best of intentions, says a recent article from Yahoo Entertainment titled “Life Insurance Beneficiary vs. Will: Do I Need Both?”

Your life insurance beneficiary designation supersedes your will, so you’ll need to have your life insurance policy and your will aligned to save heirs from stress, confusion, and possible litigation. You can use both life insurance beneficiaries and wills to bequeath assets to others when you die. However, they can work together or against each other, so meticulous planning is key.

Here’s how they work, and which takes precedence.

A life insurance beneficiary is the person or entity, like a charity, named to receive proceeds from your life insurance policy when you die. Your beneficiary will receive payment from the life insurance policy according to the terms of the policy. Who you designate as a beneficiary doesn’t have anything to do with who receives other assets from your estate, such as property or financial accounts.

A will is a legal document declaring who should receive your possessions after death. The will does not define the destination of one specific asset, like a life insurance beneficiary. Instead, it contains a list of the beneficiaries who you wish to receive your assets.

If you have minor children, a will is also used to assign legal guardians, the people who you wish to raise your children in your absence.

Your will needs to go through probate court before beneficiaries receive anything. The probate process confirms your will’s authenticity, interprets the language in the will and authorizes the named executor to carry out your intentions. Your life insurance policy goes directly to your beneficiary without probate review.

Does a life insurance policy override a will? If you designate one person to receive your life insurance policy proceeds and then name a different person in the will to receive the proceeds, the person named in the life insurance policy will win. Any intentions in the Will don’t influence or have any legal power over what’s in the will.

Your beneficiary designation in the policy is the sole determining factor, with one exception. If the beneficiary passes away before you and there is no contingent beneficiary named, the life insurance proceeds will go to your estate. Your executor will then disburse assets from the estate according to the beneficiaries named in your will.

Do you need a will? While a will has no influence over your life insurance, it’s a critical part of your estate plan. Probate court uses the will to determine who receives assets and name an executor. Just be sure that your will, any trusts and named beneficiaries on life insurance and other accounts are aligned to avoid creating friction between loved ones. It’s best to have a will to bring cohesion to your estate plan, instead of relying on separate beneficiary designations.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo entertainment (Feb. 6, 2023) “Life Insurance Beneficiary vs. Will: Do I Need Both?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Three Ways to Making Trusts Millennial Friendly – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

If your named beneficiaries are Millennials—born between 1981-1996—you may want to consider three essential points about your trusts, as explained in the recent article “Trusts for Your Millennial Beneficiaries” from The Street. They’re different from their parents and grandparents, and disregarding these differences is a missed opportunity.

This generation’s distinguishing characteristics and traits include:

  • Valuing relations with superiors with a passion for learning and growth.
  • Desire to live a life with meaning and make a positive impact on the world and causes.
  • Creative and free thinking, looking for outside-the-box solutions and opportunities.

If your estate plan benefits Gen Y, some trust features recommended for Millennials may not be optimal for them. They’re different than their older Millennial counterparts.

Have your beneficiary serve as a co-trustee of their trust alongside an experienced advisor. Millennials appreciate the opportunity to ask for advice from a trusted advisor, secure positive reinforcement and get constructive feedback. Many heirs set to come into money are likely to work with an advisor once they inherit. For them, a co-trustee arrangement could be perfect. Consider naming a family member or friend with a background in finance as their co-trustee or naming a corporate trustee.

Consider giving your beneficiary a limited testamentary power of appointment to support their favorite charity. Millennials want to make a positive impact on the world, and there’s a trust feature you can build into a trust to support this goal: a limited testamentary power of appointment. In broad strokes, this gives the trust beneficiary the power to redirect where assets go upon their death. If the scope of power permits, they could redirect assets to charitable organizations of their choice.

Most people design trusts to last for the beneficiary’s lifetime and then structure the trust so assets remaining at their death will pass in trust to their children in equal shares. Trusts can also be created to change the distribution percentages between recipients. For instance, instead of a 50-50 split, the trust can redirect shares of 70-30 to better accomplish their personal objectives. You can also provide for new beneficiaries, like charities, if they weren’t part of the original trust.

Powers of appointment can be complicated and making them overly broad can have serious and adverse tax consequences. Therefore, speak with your estate planning attorney to make sure the scope of power is clear and properly designed.

Broadly define the standards for which distributions can be made to your beneficiary. Millennials think differently, so the commonly used trust distribution standards of health, education, maintenance and support (“HEMS”) may stop them from being able to tap into trust funds for philanthropic or entrepreneurial efforts. The HEMS standard only allows for distributions generally for purposes to align with the beneficiary’s current standard of living. If you want beneficiaries to be able to do more, they need to be given the ability to do so.

Another way to accomplish this is to allow a disinterested trustee (someone who is not a beneficiary) an expansive distribution authority. Having the ability to make a distribution of trust funds to your beneficiary for any purpose can be a little unsettling. However, naming a disinterested trustee you trust will ensure that funds are distributed responsibly.

Leaving assets in trust for beneficiaries can be part of an effective estate plan supporting planning goals and your loved one’s future. However, if the trust’s structure doesn’t meet their unique needs and talents, then their potential may be dimmed.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: The Street (Feb. 24, 2023) “Trusts for Your Millennial Beneficiaries”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Recourse Is Available if Inheritance Is Stolen? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

State inheritance theft laws typically cover four distinct aspects, says Yahoo’s recent article entitled “Someone Stole My Inheritance. What Are My Options?”

The four are:

  • Who committed the inheritance theft,
  • When the theft happened,
  • What was taken, and
  • How the theft happened.

As far as the “how” goes, note that inheritance theft can take many different forms. One of the most common examples involves elder financial abuse where someone takes advantage of an elderly person’s weakened physical or mental state to steal from them.

If you think someone’s stolen your inheritance, it’s important to review inheritance theft laws in your state. Again, each state has different guidelines regarding:

  • What constitutes inheritance theft,
  • Who has the standing to bring a civil claim or file a criminal complaint concerning a stolen inheritance,
  • The legal grounds for successfully pursuing an inheritance theft claim, and
  • Penalties and remedies for inheritance theft.

Speaking with an experienced estate planning attorney can help you see if you have standing and grounds to file a claim for inheritance theft. Your attorney may advise you to take certain steps to develop a case, including:

  • Taking an inventory of the estate’s assets,
  • Reviewing estate documents, such as wills or trusts, to look for any potential signs of fraud or forgery, and
  • Verifying the validity of will or trust documents.

With a larger estate, you may need to hire a forensic accountant. They specialize in examining financial documents, which may be helpful if you’re struggling to create a paper trail to support a claim of inheritance theft.

Inheritance theft laws can help to protect your rights to an estate if you think your inheritance was stolen. You can also take actions to preserve your own estate for your heirs by drafting a valid will, creating a trust and choosing trustworthy individuals to act as your executor, trustee and power of attorney.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo (Jan. 18, 2023) “Someone Stole My Inheritance. What Are My Options?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Does Divorce Have an Impact on Estate Planning? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Even the most amicable divorce requires a review and update of your estate plan, as explained in a recent article from Yahoo finance, “I’m Divorcing. Will That Impact My Estate Planning?” This includes your will, power of attorney and other documents. Not getting this part of divorce right can have long-term repercussions, even after your death.

Last will and testament. If you don’t have a will, you should get this started. Why? If anything, unexpected occurs, like dying while your divorce is in process, the people you want to receive your worldly goods will actually receive them, and the people you don’t want to receive your property won’t. If you do have a will and an estate plan and if your will leaves all of your property to your soon-to-be ex-spouse, then you may want to change it. Just a suggestion.

State laws handle assets in a will differently. Therefore, talk with your estate planning attorney and be sure your will is updated to reflect your new status, even before your divorce is finalized.

Trusts. The first change is to remove your someday-to-be ex-spouse as a trustee, if this is how you set up the trust. If you don’t have a trust and have children or others you would want to inherit assets, now might be the time to create a trust.

A Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT) could be used to transfer assets to a trustee on behalf of minor children. The assets would not be considered marital property, so your spouse would not be entitled to them. However, a DAPT is an irrevocable trust, so once it’s created and funded, you would not be able to access these assets.

Review insurance policies. You’ll want to remove your spouse from insurance policies, especially life insurance. If you have young children with your spouse and you are sharing custody, you may want to keep your ex as a beneficiary, especially if that was ordered by the court. If you received your health insurance through your spouse’s plan, you’ll need to look into getting your own coverage after the divorce.

Power of Attorney. If your spouse is listed as your financial power of attorney and your healthcare power of attorney, there are steps you’ll need to take to make this change. First, you have to notify the person in writing to tell them a change is being made. This is especially urgent if you are reducing or eliminating their authority over your financial and legal affairs. You may only change or revoke a power of attorney in writing. Most states have specific language required to do this, and a local estate planning attorney can help do this properly.

You also have to notify all interested parties. This includes anyone who might regularly work with your power of attorney, or who should know this change is being made.

Divide Retirement Accounts. How these assets are divided depends on what kind of accounts they are and when the earnings were received. The court must issue a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) before defined contribution plans can be split. The judge must sign this document, which allows plan administrators to enforce it. This applies to 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans and any plans governed under ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974).

Divorce is stressful enough, and it may feel overwhelming to add estate planning into the mix. However, doing so will prevent many future problems and unwanted surprises.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo finance (Feb. 3, 2023) “I’m Divorcing. Will That Impact My Estate Planning?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Documents are in an Estate Plan? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Understanding how estate planning documents work is central to creating an estate plan for each individual’s unique situation. An estate planning attorney needs to know the details of your life, not because they’re nosy. It is because this is how they can create a plan tailored to protect you during your lifetime, plan for long-term care and distribute assets upon your death. A recent article, “Understanding estate planning documents” from Lake Country Record-Bee, explains in broad strokes what each estate plan needs to include.

The will nominates an executor to administer the decedent’s estate, including the distribution of specific gifts and other assets. Depending on your state of residence, the will must be witnessed by one or two people who have no interest in the outcome of your will. At death, the distribution of assets only applies to those in the estate and not to those who receive property transferred under a trust, through a designation of death beneficiary form or a joint tenancy title.

A trust controls and manages assets placed in the trust during life and after death. Assets held in a living trust are used to avoid conservatorships, should become incapacitated during life. Assets in trusts do not go through probate.

Assets transferred into a living trust must belong to the person to establishes the trust, known as the settlor. A married couple may establish a joint trust to receive community property, if they live in a community property state. Each spouse may choose to transfer his or her own separate property assets into a joint trust or keep their separate property assets in separate trusts.

Trust assets are titled for ownership and control to the trustee. The trustee is a fiduciary, meaning they are the legal representative of the trust and administer the provisions of the trust as directed in the trust documents.

You should always have a successor trustee for a trust, who takes office when the last initial trustee resigns, becomes incapacitated, or dies. How and when the transfer to the successor trustee takes place is included in the trust documents. Some trusts include a specific method to fill a trustee vacancy, if no nominated successor trustee accepts the role.

Living trusts can be changed by the settlor. The incapacity or death of the settler makes a living trust an irrevocable trust. A joint trust, however, sometimes allows either settlor acting alone to amend the living trust. Your estate planning attorney will help you determine whether a joint trust makes sense for your family.

Powers of attorney (POA) allows a person (the principal) to authorize another person (the agent) to act as a representative over some or all of the principal’s own legal and financial affairs. The POA does not have any power over a trust; the trustee is in charge of the trust. A POA can be effective on signing or effective upon incapacity of the principal. POA forms do not always reflect specific individual wishes, so it’s best to have one created by an estate planning attorney.

The Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD) delegates authority to an agent to make decisions and act on the principal’s needs in health care. The AHCD must be created and be in place before incapacity occurs. An incapacitated person cannot sign legal documents.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Lake County Record-Bee (Feb. 18, 2023) “Understanding estate planning documents”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys