How to Create an Estate Plan That Works

An estate plan tells your loved ones and the courts how you want to divide your property, as well as protecting heirs from the expenses and stress created when there is no estate plan. An estate plan also saves your family from months, even years, of dealing with courts and government bureaucracies in settling your estate.

How to start? Follow these steps.

Make a complete inventory of your assets, both tangible and intangible. Your Estate is made up of different assets such as real estate, cars, financial accounts, digital assets, life insurance, retirement accounts, pension accounts and personal property. Save your heirs from a scavenger hunt and protect assets from being lost.

Decide who you want to care for your family. If you have children who are underage, name a guardian in your will. The guardian often serves as the conservator, managing the children’s financial assets. Check on your life insurance policies, which provide funds for your family after you’ve passed.

Ask potential personal representatives if they are willing to do the work. The personal representative carries out directions in your will. It can be a big responsibility. They’ll need to gather and manage assets of your estate, notify heirs, Social Security, Medicare, pay estate taxes, secure and possibly sell your home, and more.

Have an experienced estate planning attorney set up at least three key elements: a will, power of attorney, and advance medical directive.

The Will names a guardian and a personal representative (also known as an executor) and gives directions for distributing assets. The biggest estate planning mistake people make is not having a will. When this happens, the court assigns someone to manage your estate, and your family will have to live with whatever the court-appointed person decides.

A Power of Attorney allows someone to care for your business affairs if incapacitated.

An Advance Medical Directive (“AMD”) will enable you to name someone to be involved with your healthcare, speak with your doctors and health insurance company, and help make decisions for you. These documents should be customized to convey your wishes as to how much or how little you want these people to be able to do. An advanced healthcare directive is also used to state your wishes if you are incapacitated about what kind of treatment you do or do not want to receive if you are at the end of your life. This document can be challenging to consider. However, it is a blessing to spare your family from having to guess your wishes during a time of crisis.

Discuss the use of a trust with an estate planning attorney. Trusts are not just for wealthy people. Some trusts take assets from your taxable estate and distribute them directly to beneficiaries outside of probate. Many kinds of trusts serve different purposes, so your estate planning attorney will help you understand which is best for your purposes.

Determine who to leave your assets to and how to structure your estate. If you have young children and you don’t establish the correct trusts, they may inherit everything when they turn 18 or 21. This is rarely a good idea.

Tax planning is a part of estate planning. Your estate may face federal, estate, and/or inheritance taxes. Rates and exemptions are different in every state. This is why it is important to disclose all of your assets and their values to your estate planning attorney.

The incapacity planning part of an estate plan is for you. However, the rest is for your family, to take care of them and show them how much you care about them and their futures.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary initial consultation with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys. They will walk you through our unique Sims & Campbell firm process and guide you on the next steps in creating your custom estate plan.

Read more about the article What Should I Know About a Living Trust? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning
Information about Living trust and glasses on it.

What Should I Know About a Living Trust? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Forbes’ recent article, “What Is A Living Trust? Definition, Pros & Cons,” explains everything you need to know about living trusts to determine if one is right for you.

The grantor (or owner of the assets) transfers property ownership to the trust. They will name a trustee to manage the trust property. The grantor can choose to be the trustee, retaining control of trust property. However, the grantor can also designate a “successor trustee.” The successor trustee will manage the trust property if and when the primary trustee becomes incapacitated or passes away.

The grantor also names beneficiaries of the trust. These individuals are the individuals (or other entities) who benefit from the trust. The grantor designates beneficiaries who will inherit the property held within the trust after the grantor’s death. A significant benefit of a trust is that the assets held within the trust transfer to the beneficiaries without going through probate.

Creating a living trust entails drafting a formal legal document that:

  • Establishes the trust
  • Names the trustee (and successor trustee)
  • Names the beneficiaries; and
  • States when and how trust property will be transferred to beneficiaries.

Note that after you create the trust document, you must transfer the property title to it.

The trust becomes effective as soon as you create it. However, because it’s a living trust, you have the right to cancel it or make changes to it any time you want to.

A living trust is a powerful legal tool. However, there are other estate planning documents that you may need. Work with an experienced estate planning lawyer to get help creating a living trust, as well as assistance in developing a comprehensive plan to protect you in case of incapacity and to provide for your loved ones after you’re gone.

Questions? Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Forbes (May 12, 2023) “What Is A Living Trust? Definition, Pros & Cons”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Read more about the article What Happens When There’s No Will? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning
Word text Make a will on white paper on office table / business concept

What Happens When There’s No Will? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

According to a recent article, “The Confusing Fallout of Dying Without a Will,” from The Wall Street Journal, despite the consequences for their heirs and loved ones, millions of Americans still don’t have a will. The total wealth of American households has tripled over the past thirty years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Still, more than half of Americans polled by Gallup said they didn’t have a will in 2021. Another survey showed that one in five Americans with investible assets of $1 million or more don’t have a will.

Dying without a will means the laws of your state will determine who gets your assets. In some cases, loved ones could end up with nothing. They could be evicted from the family home and even hit with massive tax bills.

This is especially problematic for unmarried couples. One example—after 18 years of living together, a couple had an appointment with an estate lawyer to create wills. However, the woman died in a horseback riding accident just before the appointment. Therefore, her partner had to get the woman’s sons, who lived overseas, to sign off, so he could be appointed her executor. The couple had agreed between themselves to let him have the home and SUV they’d purchased together. However, state law gave her sons her 50% interest. Therefore, he had to buy out her son’s interest to keep his home and car.

Dying without a will, or “intestate,” means you can’t name an executor to administer your estate, name a guardian for minor children, or distribute the property as you want.

Here’s what you need to know about having—or not having—a will:

State law governs property distribution. In some states, where there is a surviving spouse and children, the surviving spouse gets 100% of the estate, and the children get nothing. The surviving spouse gets 50% in other states, and the children divide the estate balance. For example, in Pennsylvania, if there are no children but there is a surviving parent, the surviving spouse gets the first $30,000, and the balance is split 50/50 with the parent. In Tennessee, a surviving spouse with two or more children receives a third of the estate, with the rest split between the children.

Check on all assets for beneficiary designations. Retirement accounts and life insurance policies typically pass to whoever is listed as the beneficiary. However, if you never named a beneficiary, the state’s laws will determine who receives the asset.

If you don’t have a will and want to be sure a partner gets these assets, you’ll need to speak with an experienced estate planning attorney to explore your options. For example, you might be able to use a transfer on death deed or a payable on death account. However, there may be better ways to accomplish this goal.

Contact us to schedule your complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: The Wall Street Journal (May 2, 2023) “The Confusing Fallout of Dying Without a Will”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

What Is Probate?- Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Investopedia’s recent article, “What Is Probate Court?” explains that people want to avoid or shorten the probate process because of its length and expense. This can be accomplished by creating a living trust, assigning your assets to it and naming beneficiaries for those assets. A living trust is an estate planning tool that can help you avoid probate’s usually lengthy, sometimes costly, and always public nature.

Some assets, including life insurance and retirement accounts, are not generally subject to probate. You instead designate beneficiaries for them in the account paperwork held by the life insurance company, retirement plan, brokerage, and bank. As a result, these funds will flow directly to the beneficiaries upon your death.

Another way to reduce probate is to give gifts during your lifetime. Anyone can provide individuals with tax-free money in the form of gifts, as defined by the IRS.

At a probate court hearing, the judge will list the responsibilities of the executor of the will, including contacting any beneficiaries and creditors, appraising the deceased’s assets and paying any outstanding creditors and taxes.

At the second court hearing, the judge will ensure that all these tasks have been accomplished and close out the estate, so that the transfers of money and other assets in the estate may start.

Each state has specific probate laws to determine what’s required. Unless someone has no assets or descendants when they die, probate may still be necessary to settle the deceased’s remaining affairs, including debts, assets and paying their final bills and taxes.

While it can be hard to avoid probate court altogether, some ways to avoid probate include creating a living trust, naming beneficiaries clearly on all investment, bank and retirement accounts, and establishing joint ownership for certain assets.

The time for probate varies depending on the deceased person’s assets, the complexity of their will and other factors. For instance, the executor may have to liquidate assets to pay creditors, and selling a home or other property for this purpose can take time. However, the average time it takes to complete is about nine months.

After someone dies, the grief over their loss can be all-consuming for their family and friends.  Unfortunately, the probate process can add to this a financial and administrative burden. Yet, with or without a will, the probate process is essential to ensure that all of one’s affairs are in order before death.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Investopedia (Sep. 21, 2022) “What Is Probate Court?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Do Joint Accounts With Rights of Survivorship Work?- Annapolis & Towson Estate Planning

A common request from seniors is to add their children to their bank accounts, in case something unexpected should occur. Their goal is admirable—to give their children access to funds in case of an emergency, says a recent article from Kiplinger, “Joint Account With Rights of Survivorship and Alternatives Explained.” However, making a child joint owner of a bank account, investment account or even a safe deposit box, can have unintended consequences.

Most couple’s bank accounts are set up by default as “Joint With Rights of Survivorship” or JWROS, automatically. Assets transfer to the surviving owner upon the death of the first spouse. This can lead to several problems. If the intent was for remaining assets not spent during a crisis to be distributed via the terms of a will, this will not happen. The assets will transfer to the surviving owner, regardless of directions in the will.

Adding anyone other than a spouse could also trigger a federal gift tax issue. For example, in 2023, anyone can gift up to $17,000 per year tax-free to anyone they want. However, if the gift exceeds $17,000 and the beneficiary is not a spouse, the recipient may need to file a gift tax return.

If a parent adds a child to a savings account and the child predeceases the parent, a portion of the account value could be includable in the child’s estate for state inheritance/estate tax purposes. The assets would transfer back to the parents, and depending upon the deceased’s state of residence, the estate could be levied on as much as 50% or more of the account value.

There are alternatives if the goal of adding a joint owner to an account is to give them access to assets upon death. For example, most financial institutions allow accounts to be structured as “Transfer on Death” or TOD. This adds beneficiaries to the account with several benefits.

Nothing happens with a TOD if the beneficiary dies before the account owner. The potential for state inheritance tax on any portion of the account value is avoided.

When the account owner dies, the beneficiary needs only to supply a death certificate to gain access to the account. Because assets transfer to a named beneficiary, the account is not part of the probate estate, since named beneficiaries always supersede a will.

Setting up an account as a TOD doesn’t give any access to the beneficiary until the death of the owner. This avoids the transfer of assets being considered a gift, eliminating the potential federal gift tax issue.

Planning for incapacity includes more than TOD accounts. All adults should have a Financial Power of Attorney, which allows one or more individuals to perform financial transactions on their behalf in case of incapacity. This is a better alternative than retitling accounts.

Retirement accounts cannot have any joint ownership. This includes IRAs, 401(k)s, annuities, and similar accounts.

Power of attorney documents should be prepared to suit each individual situation. In some cases, parents want adult children to be able to make real estate decisions and access financial accounts. Others only want children to manage money and not get involved in the sale of their home while they are incapacitated. A custom-designed Power of Attorney allows as much or as little control as desired.

Your estate planning attorney can help you plan for incapacity and for passing assets upon your passing. Ideally, it will be a long time before anything unexpected occurs. However, it’s best to plan proactively.’

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Kiplinger (March 30, 2023) “Joint Account With Rights of Survivorship and Alternatives Explained”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Do I Need a Will If I’m Leaving Insurance Policy to a Beneficiary? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

If you aren’t thorough with your estate planning, you could create conflict, even with the best of intentions, says a recent article from Yahoo Entertainment titled “Life Insurance Beneficiary vs. Will: Do I Need Both?”

Your life insurance beneficiary designation supersedes your will, so you’ll need to have your life insurance policy and your will aligned to save heirs from stress, confusion, and possible litigation. You can use both life insurance beneficiaries and wills to bequeath assets to others when you die. However, they can work together or against each other, so meticulous planning is key.

Here’s how they work, and which takes precedence.

A life insurance beneficiary is the person or entity, like a charity, named to receive proceeds from your life insurance policy when you die. Your beneficiary will receive payment from the life insurance policy according to the terms of the policy. Who you designate as a beneficiary doesn’t have anything to do with who receives other assets from your estate, such as property or financial accounts.

A will is a legal document declaring who should receive your possessions after death. The will does not define the destination of one specific asset, like a life insurance beneficiary. Instead, it contains a list of the beneficiaries who you wish to receive your assets.

If you have minor children, a will is also used to assign legal guardians, the people who you wish to raise your children in your absence.

Your will needs to go through probate court before beneficiaries receive anything. The probate process confirms your will’s authenticity, interprets the language in the will and authorizes the named executor to carry out your intentions. Your life insurance policy goes directly to your beneficiary without probate review.

Does a life insurance policy override a will? If you designate one person to receive your life insurance policy proceeds and then name a different person in the will to receive the proceeds, the person named in the life insurance policy will win. Any intentions in the Will don’t influence or have any legal power over what’s in the will.

Your beneficiary designation in the policy is the sole determining factor, with one exception. If the beneficiary passes away before you and there is no contingent beneficiary named, the life insurance proceeds will go to your estate. Your executor will then disburse assets from the estate according to the beneficiaries named in your will.

Do you need a will? While a will has no influence over your life insurance, it’s a critical part of your estate plan. Probate court uses the will to determine who receives assets and name an executor. Just be sure that your will, any trusts and named beneficiaries on life insurance and other accounts are aligned to avoid creating friction between loved ones. It’s best to have a will to bring cohesion to your estate plan, instead of relying on separate beneficiary designations.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo entertainment (Feb. 6, 2023) “Life Insurance Beneficiary vs. Will: Do I Need Both?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Three Ways to Making Trusts Millennial Friendly – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

If your named beneficiaries are Millennials—born between 1981-1996—you may want to consider three essential points about your trusts, as explained in the recent article “Trusts for Your Millennial Beneficiaries” from The Street. They’re different from their parents and grandparents, and disregarding these differences is a missed opportunity.

This generation’s distinguishing characteristics and traits include:

  • Valuing relations with superiors with a passion for learning and growth.
  • Desire to live a life with meaning and make a positive impact on the world and causes.
  • Creative and free thinking, looking for outside-the-box solutions and opportunities.

If your estate plan benefits Gen Y, some trust features recommended for Millennials may not be optimal for them. They’re different than their older Millennial counterparts.

Have your beneficiary serve as a co-trustee of their trust alongside an experienced advisor. Millennials appreciate the opportunity to ask for advice from a trusted advisor, secure positive reinforcement and get constructive feedback. Many heirs set to come into money are likely to work with an advisor once they inherit. For them, a co-trustee arrangement could be perfect. Consider naming a family member or friend with a background in finance as their co-trustee or naming a corporate trustee.

Consider giving your beneficiary a limited testamentary power of appointment to support their favorite charity. Millennials want to make a positive impact on the world, and there’s a trust feature you can build into a trust to support this goal: a limited testamentary power of appointment. In broad strokes, this gives the trust beneficiary the power to redirect where assets go upon their death. If the scope of power permits, they could redirect assets to charitable organizations of their choice.

Most people design trusts to last for the beneficiary’s lifetime and then structure the trust so assets remaining at their death will pass in trust to their children in equal shares. Trusts can also be created to change the distribution percentages between recipients. For instance, instead of a 50-50 split, the trust can redirect shares of 70-30 to better accomplish their personal objectives. You can also provide for new beneficiaries, like charities, if they weren’t part of the original trust.

Powers of appointment can be complicated and making them overly broad can have serious and adverse tax consequences. Therefore, speak with your estate planning attorney to make sure the scope of power is clear and properly designed.

Broadly define the standards for which distributions can be made to your beneficiary. Millennials think differently, so the commonly used trust distribution standards of health, education, maintenance and support (“HEMS”) may stop them from being able to tap into trust funds for philanthropic or entrepreneurial efforts. The HEMS standard only allows for distributions generally for purposes to align with the beneficiary’s current standard of living. If you want beneficiaries to be able to do more, they need to be given the ability to do so.

Another way to accomplish this is to allow a disinterested trustee (someone who is not a beneficiary) an expansive distribution authority. Having the ability to make a distribution of trust funds to your beneficiary for any purpose can be a little unsettling. However, naming a disinterested trustee you trust will ensure that funds are distributed responsibly.

Leaving assets in trust for beneficiaries can be part of an effective estate plan supporting planning goals and your loved one’s future. However, if the trust’s structure doesn’t meet their unique needs and talents, then their potential may be dimmed.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: The Street (Feb. 24, 2023) “Trusts for Your Millennial Beneficiaries”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Does Divorce Have an Impact on Estate Planning? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Even the most amicable divorce requires a review and update of your estate plan, as explained in a recent article from Yahoo finance, “I’m Divorcing. Will That Impact My Estate Planning?” This includes your will, power of attorney and other documents. Not getting this part of divorce right can have long-term repercussions, even after your death.

Last will and testament. If you don’t have a will, you should get this started. Why? If anything, unexpected occurs, like dying while your divorce is in process, the people you want to receive your worldly goods will actually receive them, and the people you don’t want to receive your property won’t. If you do have a will and an estate plan and if your will leaves all of your property to your soon-to-be ex-spouse, then you may want to change it. Just a suggestion.

State laws handle assets in a will differently. Therefore, talk with your estate planning attorney and be sure your will is updated to reflect your new status, even before your divorce is finalized.

Trusts. The first change is to remove your someday-to-be ex-spouse as a trustee, if this is how you set up the trust. If you don’t have a trust and have children or others you would want to inherit assets, now might be the time to create a trust.

A Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT) could be used to transfer assets to a trustee on behalf of minor children. The assets would not be considered marital property, so your spouse would not be entitled to them. However, a DAPT is an irrevocable trust, so once it’s created and funded, you would not be able to access these assets.

Review insurance policies. You’ll want to remove your spouse from insurance policies, especially life insurance. If you have young children with your spouse and you are sharing custody, you may want to keep your ex as a beneficiary, especially if that was ordered by the court. If you received your health insurance through your spouse’s plan, you’ll need to look into getting your own coverage after the divorce.

Power of Attorney. If your spouse is listed as your financial power of attorney and your healthcare power of attorney, there are steps you’ll need to take to make this change. First, you have to notify the person in writing to tell them a change is being made. This is especially urgent if you are reducing or eliminating their authority over your financial and legal affairs. You may only change or revoke a power of attorney in writing. Most states have specific language required to do this, and a local estate planning attorney can help do this properly.

You also have to notify all interested parties. This includes anyone who might regularly work with your power of attorney, or who should know this change is being made.

Divide Retirement Accounts. How these assets are divided depends on what kind of accounts they are and when the earnings were received. The court must issue a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) before defined contribution plans can be split. The judge must sign this document, which allows plan administrators to enforce it. This applies to 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans and any plans governed under ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974).

Divorce is stressful enough, and it may feel overwhelming to add estate planning into the mix. However, doing so will prevent many future problems and unwanted surprises.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo finance (Feb. 3, 2023) “I’m Divorcing. Will That Impact My Estate Planning?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Documents are in an Estate Plan? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Understanding how estate planning documents work is central to creating an estate plan for each individual’s unique situation. An estate planning attorney needs to know the details of your life, not because they’re nosy. It is because this is how they can create a plan tailored to protect you during your lifetime, plan for long-term care and distribute assets upon your death. A recent article, “Understanding estate planning documents” from Lake Country Record-Bee, explains in broad strokes what each estate plan needs to include.

The will nominates an executor to administer the decedent’s estate, including the distribution of specific gifts and other assets. Depending on your state of residence, the will must be witnessed by one or two people who have no interest in the outcome of your will. At death, the distribution of assets only applies to those in the estate and not to those who receive property transferred under a trust, through a designation of death beneficiary form or a joint tenancy title.

A trust controls and manages assets placed in the trust during life and after death. Assets held in a living trust are used to avoid conservatorships, should become incapacitated during life. Assets in trusts do not go through probate.

Assets transferred into a living trust must belong to the person to establishes the trust, known as the settlor. A married couple may establish a joint trust to receive community property, if they live in a community property state. Each spouse may choose to transfer his or her own separate property assets into a joint trust or keep their separate property assets in separate trusts.

Trust assets are titled for ownership and control to the trustee. The trustee is a fiduciary, meaning they are the legal representative of the trust and administer the provisions of the trust as directed in the trust documents.

You should always have a successor trustee for a trust, who takes office when the last initial trustee resigns, becomes incapacitated, or dies. How and when the transfer to the successor trustee takes place is included in the trust documents. Some trusts include a specific method to fill a trustee vacancy, if no nominated successor trustee accepts the role.

Living trusts can be changed by the settlor. The incapacity or death of the settler makes a living trust an irrevocable trust. A joint trust, however, sometimes allows either settlor acting alone to amend the living trust. Your estate planning attorney will help you determine whether a joint trust makes sense for your family.

Powers of attorney (POA) allows a person (the principal) to authorize another person (the agent) to act as a representative over some or all of the principal’s own legal and financial affairs. The POA does not have any power over a trust; the trustee is in charge of the trust. A POA can be effective on signing or effective upon incapacity of the principal. POA forms do not always reflect specific individual wishes, so it’s best to have one created by an estate planning attorney.

The Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD) delegates authority to an agent to make decisions and act on the principal’s needs in health care. The AHCD must be created and be in place before incapacity occurs. An incapacitated person cannot sign legal documents.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Lake County Record-Bee (Feb. 18, 2023) “Understanding estate planning documents”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Is an Estate Planning Checkup? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

The start of the year is the time to review and revisit your estate plan. Just like going to the doctor and dentist for regular exams, it’s basic self-care. A recent article from Kiplinger, “Need an Estate Planning Checkup? Now is the Perfect Time,” advises having an annual checkup with your estate planning attorney before anything goes wrong.

Estate planning is about people. It ensures that loved ones will be protected when we are no longer here. It names someone we trust to administer our estate and follow our wishes. It also ensures that no one is left out or no one is wrongfully included.

After the holiday season of family gatherings is a good time to review the family situation. Children have grown into adulthood. Perhaps they’ve married and had children. What we planned to leave for them as minors may be different now. If your family suffered a loss last year, it may be time to reallocate funds or change beneficiaries.

This is the time to evaluate who you have named as an executor or entrusted with powers of attorney. They may have had their own health issues, suffered memory loss, or undergone their own life changes. These should also be reviewed when creating a new will or trust.

Property values have probably changed over the years. Real estate acquired decades ago may have appreciated far more than anticipated. If the intent is to leave equal shares of assets to beneficiaries, the new value of the property needs to be considered.

Depending on your assets, you may need to engage an expert to provide current valuations for real property, artwork and any other high-value assets. If you expect to see significant changes in the coming year, from selling property or making other adjustments, don’t wait until next year to order a new valuation. The more current your numbers, the better your estate plan.

Tax laws have changed a great deal in recent years. An experienced estate planning attorney will allow you to maximize the estate that you leave. Estate tax and gift taxes have been adjusted for inflation, so you may be able to leave larger gifts to children and grandchildren.

Your estate plan checkup should include a review of recent tax law changes, and a look at the legal environment for the coming year. Discuss how aggressive you want to be with your estate planning. The same goes for life changes which may have legal consequences. All of this needs to be discussed in a candid manner with your estate planning attorney.

You may leave your meeting with a to-do list, or you may find your estate plan still works. Either way, you’ll feel better after your estate plan checkup.

Contact us to review your estate plans with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Kiplinger (Jan. 30, 2023) “Need an Estate Planning Checkup? Now is the Perfect Time”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys