Protect Your Elderly Parents from Scammers – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Thinking on a very practical level, if you were a thief and had to choose a target, it would likely be someone who has wealth and is vulnerable—the picture of an elderly person, especially one who is likely to be isolated and may have cognitive issues. According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumers aged 60 and older filed 467,340 fraud reports in 2021, reporting total losses of more than $1 billion.

A recent article from, “How to protect elderly parents from financial scams,” says that consumers age 60 and older are less likely to report losing money to fraud than those aged 18—59. Still, when they do report a loss, it tends to be for more money, especially among those 80 and older. They have the highest median loss of all groups.

Older adults are likelier to lose money on scams involving tech support, prizes, sweepstakes, lotteries and friends and family impersonations. What can you do?

Talk about it. Scams target everyone. Therefore, it is an easy topic to bring up. First, start the conversation with your experiences or a trending news story. Next, explain specific scams, like someone reaching out through social media saying they want to be friends, followed by an urgent request for money or fake text messages from a grandchild who needs bail money. People informed about scams’ specifics are less likely to respond.

Use anti-fraud tools. Spam-blocking apps on cell phones can send unknown numbers to voicemail immediately. A credit freeze can secure credit information and is easily temporarily unlocked for legitimate access. Setting strict privacy tools on social media can also limit the number of scammers who can get through.

Signing up for financial account monitoring or receiving alerts for transactions is easily enough put into place. However, in some instances, it would be wise to allow adult children to monitor these accounts, depending upon the parent’s comfort level with sharing this information.

Put legal tools into place. A durable power of attorney, revocable trust, or, if appropriate, guardianship, can be among the most effective ways to keep an older adult’s assets safe from scammers. If a revocable trust is created, an adult child can quickly step in before too much damage is done, whether it’s a fake charity or a “kidnapped grandchild” scammer.

Know the warning signs. An older adult who is suddenly reluctant to talk about their finances had said they are having trouble paying bills when they never had a problem before or is receiving a high number of text messages or phone calls and insists on being alone when they respond may have become a victim of fraud.

Scammers are especially good at creating a sense of urgency, saying their victims must send money or gift cards immediately, or the IRS or police will arrive at their door. The latest wrinkle is the use of artificial intelligence to mimic a loved one’s voice, and the technology is so good that even experts are fooled.

Avoid shaming loved ones. The embarrassment of being the victim of elder financial abuse worsens a bad situation. Don’t scold an elderly person for being fooled; they certainly will be angry enough at themselves for being taken. Reassuring words are more likely to allow the victim to keep some of their dignity, while encouraging them to call you if, and more likely when, they are confronted with another scammer.

Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: (April 10, 2023) “How to protect elderly parents from financial scams”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

What Is the Purpose of an Executor? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

It is flattering to be named the executor for a loved one. It demonstrates an extremely high level of trust and respect, as the person considers you capable enough to fulfill their wishes when they have passed. However, just because you have been named executor does not mean you are obliged to serve, says the recent article, “What are the responsibilities of an executor?” from Daily Local News.

Suppose you decide the responsibilities of being an executor are more than you’re willing or able to handle. In that case, you can renounce your position as executor, and a successor executor named in the will becomes the executor. If the person who named you executor did not name a successor, the court will select a person for the role.

If you have any doubts about this role, please tell the person who asks you to serve, so they can make other arrangements.

If you choose to serve, you’ll want to understand what the job entails. Each estate is unique, and its administration depends upon the assets owned by the deceased, what debts they had and their wishes for distribution.

Some duties are the same regardless of the complexity or simplicity of the estate. For example, the executor often makes arrangements with the funeral home and provides information for the death certificate. Once the death certificate is issued, the executor probates the will with the local court in the county where the decedent last lived. Most people retain an estate planning attorney to guide them through probate and estate administration.

Once the petition for probate has been filed and the court issues Letters Testamentary empowering you to serve as the executor, the administration begins. Some, but not all, of the tasks, include:

  • Gathering assets
  • Notifying beneficiaries named in the will
  • Obtaining an EIN federal tax number for the estate
  • Opening an estate checking account
  • Verifying and paying the debts of the decedent
  • Liquidating and transferring estate assets into the estate checking account
  • Filing a final personal income tax return
  • Providing an accounting to beneficiaries and distributing the estate in accordance with the decedent’s will
  • Filing an estate tax return.

The executor also handles other tasks, such as selling the contents of the person’s residence and home.

The executor is entitled to reasonable compensation for their services. The amount is treated as taxable income. Determining the fee depends on the value and complexity of the estate and the amount of time it took to settle the estate. Some family members waive a fee, while others feel their time deserves compensation.

An estate planning attorney can provide invaluable assistance and prevent expensive mistakes from occurring. If the estate involves businesses, complex ownership structures, trusts, or other sophisticated assets, it is worthwhile to have the help of an experienced professional.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Daily Local News (March 22, 2023) “What are an executor’s responsibilities?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Protecting Assets with a Trust vs. Limited Liability Company – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

While trusts and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are very different legal vehicles, they are both used by business owners to protect assets. Understanding their differences, strengths and weaknesses will help determine which is best for your situation, as explained by the article “Trust Vs. LLC 2023: What Is The Difference?” from Business Report.

A trust is a fiduciary agreement placing assets under the control of a third-party trustee to manage assets, so they may be managed and passed to beneficiaries. Trusts are commonly used when transferring family assets to avoid probate.

A family home could be placed in a trust to avoid estate taxes on the owner’s death, if the goal is to pass the home on to the children. The trustee manages the home as an asset until the transfer takes place.

There are several different types of trusts:

A revocable trust is controlled by the grantor, the person setting up the trust, as long as they are mentally competent. This flexibility allows the grantor to hold ownership interest, including real estate, in a separate vehicle without committing to the trust permanently.

The grantor cannot change an irrevocable trust, nor can the grantor be a trustee. Once the assets are placed in the irrevocable trust, the terms of the trust may not be changed, with extremely limited exceptions.

A testamentary trust is created after probate under the provisions of a last will and testament to protect business assets, rental property and other personal and business assets. Nevertheless, it only becomes active when the trust’s creator dies.

There are several roles in trusts. The grantor or settlor is the person who creates the trust. The trustee is the person who manages the assets in the trust and is in charge of any distribution. A successor trustee is a backup to the original trustee who manages assets, if the original trustee dies or becomes incapacitated. Finally, the beneficiaries are the people who receive assets when the terms of the trust are satisfied.

An LLC is a business entity commonly used for personal asset protection and business purposes. A multi-or single-member LLC could be created to own your home or business, to separate your personal property and business property, reduce potential legal liability and achieve a simplified management structure with liability protection.

The most significant advantage of a trust is avoiding the time-consuming process of probate, so beneficiaries may receive their inheritance faster. Assets in a trust may also prevent or reduce estate taxes. Trusts also keep your assets and filing documents private. Unlike a will, which becomes part of the public record and is available for anyone who asks, trust documents remain private.

LLCs and trusts are created on the state level. While LLCs are business entities designed for actively run businesses, trusts are essentially pass-through entities for inheritances and to pass dividends directly to beneficiaries while retaining control.

Your estate planning attorney will be able to judge whether you need a trust or an LLC. If you own a small business, it may already be an LLC. However, there are likely other asset protection vehicles your estate planning attorney can discuss with you.

Questions? Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Business Report (April 14, 2023) “Trust Vs. LLC 2023: What Is The Difference?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

How to Pre-pay for a Funeral – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

When getting started with prepaying funeral expenses, a big factor to consider is your age and current health status. Unlike life insurance policies, funeral planning insurance from most major providers is available to anyone over 18 who wants a policy. However, depending on the type of policy, you may have to answer some health screening questions. Your answers will impact the terms and benefit payouts determined by time of death, says Yahoo Life’s recent article, “Should You Pre-Pay for Your Own Funeral as Part of Estate Planning?”

Pre-arrangement insurance policies must be paid in full by age 90, so someone near that age and planning for the first time will likely have to pay in full upfront.

Some companies might state that certain diagnoses with imminent death are disqualifiers for policies, and others will insure individuals with a short life prognosis but with altered payout clauses—or they may require full payment upfront.

In those instances, a trust might be a better choice. That fiduciary arrangement lets a third party (the trustee) hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries.

Remember that companies, policies and regulations vary greatly by state. It will, therefore, be helpful to consult an experienced estate planning attorney on the best options for you.

You should review your plans periodically throughout life because what you want today in your 20s may differ from what you want in your 80s. You should also keep your family up to date on any changes you make.

There’s one main difference between trusts and insurance policies. Insurance will often have a clause allowing for the difference between what you’ve paid and the total cost of your funeral arrangement to be covered, if you haven’t paid your policy out in full at the time of death.

However, a trust will typically let you put in whatever amount you want over time.

The pre-arrangement insurance policies used by funeral homes to cover the cost of funerals differ from what is generally known as “life insurance.” A life insurance policy is meant to cover unexpected death. However, it’s not guaranteed to pay out benefits—because factors like cause of death affect the policy payout.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo Life (Feb. 17, 2022) “Should You Pre-Pay for Your Own Funeral as Part of Estate Planning?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

What Is Probate?- Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Investopedia’s recent article, “What Is Probate Court?” explains that people want to avoid or shorten the probate process because of its length and expense. This can be accomplished by creating a living trust, assigning your assets to it and naming beneficiaries for those assets. A living trust is an estate planning tool that can help you avoid probate’s usually lengthy, sometimes costly, and always public nature.

Some assets, including life insurance and retirement accounts, are not generally subject to probate. You instead designate beneficiaries for them in the account paperwork held by the life insurance company, retirement plan, brokerage, and bank. As a result, these funds will flow directly to the beneficiaries upon your death.

Another way to reduce probate is to give gifts during your lifetime. Anyone can provide individuals with tax-free money in the form of gifts, as defined by the IRS.

At a probate court hearing, the judge will list the responsibilities of the executor of the will, including contacting any beneficiaries and creditors, appraising the deceased’s assets and paying any outstanding creditors and taxes.

At the second court hearing, the judge will ensure that all these tasks have been accomplished and close out the estate, so that the transfers of money and other assets in the estate may start.

Each state has specific probate laws to determine what’s required. Unless someone has no assets or descendants when they die, probate may still be necessary to settle the deceased’s remaining affairs, including debts, assets and paying their final bills and taxes.

While it can be hard to avoid probate court altogether, some ways to avoid probate include creating a living trust, naming beneficiaries clearly on all investment, bank and retirement accounts, and establishing joint ownership for certain assets.

The time for probate varies depending on the deceased person’s assets, the complexity of their will and other factors. For instance, the executor may have to liquidate assets to pay creditors, and selling a home or other property for this purpose can take time. However, the average time it takes to complete is about nine months.

After someone dies, the grief over their loss can be all-consuming for their family and friends.  Unfortunately, the probate process can add to this a financial and administrative burden. Yet, with or without a will, the probate process is essential to ensure that all of one’s affairs are in order before death.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Investopedia (Sep. 21, 2022) “What Is Probate Court?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Does Divorce Have an Impact on Estate Planning?-Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Even if your divorce is amicable, you still need to make changes to the paperwork, including your will and power of attorney. Yahoo News’ recent article entitled, “I’m Divorcing. Will That Impact My Estate Planning?” says to ask an experienced estate planning attorney how to protect your assets against potential loss due to a potential divorce. Here are some tips:

Revise Your Will. If you have a will, and if it’s written so that your soon-to-be ex will get all or most of your assets, you may want to change how to split up your assets after your death. Check with an estate planning attorney because state laws handle the assets in a will differently. Many states say that gifts to your ex are automatically revoked.

Change Your Trust. If you have a trust in your estate plan, your spouse may be designated as the trustee, so change who will be dispersing your assets.

Review Your Insurance Policies. You’ll want to remove your spouse from all of your insurance policies. However, if you have young children your ex-spouse will be raising, you may want to keep your ex-spouse as a beneficiary. If you were covered on your spouse’s health insurance plan while married, you’ll need to get your own policy. Also consider changing the beneficiaries on your life insurance policy if you’re worried about your future ex-spouse cashing in if something happens to you.

Change Your Power of Attorney. If your spouse is named as your medical or financial power of attorney, change that. Do that by the following steps:

  1. Notify the person currently holding power of attorney
  2. Make the change in writing
  3. Include all required language
  4. Notarize and, if necessary, record; and
  5. Notify all concerned parties.

Divide Retirement Accounts. There are several factors to consider as retirements are divided, like the type of account and when the earnings were received. Before defined contribution plans can be split, the court must issue a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). The court will determine which properties are marital and which are separate. When the judge signs the QDRO, it lets plan administrators enforce it. The order applies to all plans governed under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974, like 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).

Questions? Contact us to schedule a call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo News (Feb. 3, 2023) “I’m Divorcing. Will That Impact My Estate Planning?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

What You Need to Know About Estate Taxes – Annapolis & Towson Estate Planning

Most Americans don’t have to worry about federal estate and gift taxes. However, if you’re even moderately wealthy and want to transfer wealth to your children and grandchildren, you’ll want to know how to protect your ability to pass wealth to the next generation. A recent article from Woman’s World, “If You’re Rich, Read This—Your Estate Taxes Could Be at Stake (And Your Kids at Risk of Losing Their Inheritance” provides a good overview of estate taxes. If any of these issues are relevant to you, meet with an experienced estate planning attorney to learn how your state’s tax laws may impact your children’s inheritance.

A well-created estate plan can help you achieve your goals and minimize tax liability. There are three types of taxes the IRS levies on gifts and inheritances.

Few families worry about federal estate taxes for now. However, this will change in the future and planning is always wiser. In 2023, the federal estate tax exemption is $12.92 million. Estates valued above this level have a tax rate of 40% on assets. People at this asset level usually have complex estate plans designed to minimize or completely avoid paying these taxes.

An estate not big enough to trigger federal estate taxes may still owe state estate taxes. Twelve states and the District of Columbia impose their own state taxes on residents’ estates, ranging from 0.8 percent to 20 percent, and some have a far lower exemption level than the federal estate tax. Some begin as low as $one million.

Six states impose an inheritance tax ranging between 10 percent and 18 percent. The beneficiary pays the tax, even if you live out of state. Spouses are typically exempt from inheritance taxes, which are often determined by kinship—sons and daughters pay one amount, while grandchildren pay another.

Taxpayers concerned about having estates big enough to trigger estate or inheritance taxes can make gifts during their lifetime to reduce the estate’s tax exposure. In 2023, the federal government allows individuals to make tax-free gifts of up to $17,000 in cash or assets to as many people as they want every year.

A couple with three children could give $17,000 to each of their children, creating a tax-free transfer of $102,000 to the next generation ($17,000 x 3 children x 2 individuals). The couple could repeat these gifts yearly for as long as they wished. Over time, these gifts could substantially reduce the size of their estate before it would be subject to an estate tax. It also gives their heirs a chance to enjoy their inheritance while their parents are living.

It should be noted that gifts over $17,000 in 2023 count against the individual estate tax limit. Therefore, your federal estate tax exemption will decline if you give more than the limit. This is why it’s essential to work with an estate planning attorney who can help you structure these gifts and discuss other estate tax and asset protection strategies.

Questions? Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Woman’s World (April 5, 2023) “If You’re Rich, Read This—Your Estate Taxes Could Be at Stake (And Your Kids at Risk of Losing Their Inheritance”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

How a Special Needs Trust Protects Loved Ones – Annapolis & Towson Estate Planning

A special needs trust, also called a Supplemental Needs Trust, is created for a person who is disabled and provides financial support. This is necessary because individuals who receive means-tested government benefits have assets and income limits set by government agencies, says a recent article, “The right special needs trust can help ensure a loved one’s financial stability” from Florida Today.

By setting up a special needs trust, these limits can be avoided, and a parent can ensure that their loved one has a better quality of life during and after the parent’s own lifetime.

An estate planning attorney can help determine the best trust type in this situation. It’s also important to track how money from the trust is spent and follow legal guidelines.

A benefit of having a SNT is that it protects a special needs individual from financial abuse since the trustee is the only person with access to the funds. For this reason, choosing a trustee who is responsible, financially savvy and of the highest integrity is very important.

The most commonly used trust is a Third-Party SNT. The distinction is that the trust is funded by someone other than the beneficiary, such as a parent or other family members. There are two types of third-party SNTs—a “standalone” trust and a “testamentary” trust. The standalone trust may be accessed during the funder’s lifetime. The testamentary trust is funded by an estate when the funder passes and is part of their will.

There is also a first-party trust funded by the beneficiary. This is helpful when the individual acquires a large sum of money. The money may be placed in the trust and used as it would be for any special needs trust. A key difference is, a Medicaid Repayment Provision usually needs to be put into place as part of the trust so Medicaid may be reimbursed when the beneficiary dies.

Lastly, the pooled trust is another commonly used special needs trust. It combines the trusts of more than one beneficiary and can be a first or third-party funded trust. It must be set up and run by a nonprofit organization, which can benefit a loved one of a person with special needs by the nonprofit handling the trust. The nonprofit acts as the trustee and administers the funds, makes investments, and ensures that tax obligations are met.

An estate planning attorney will provide you with the options for your unique situation. Parents are wise to put a comprehensive plan in place to protect their special needs family members for the future.

Questions? Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Florida Today (April 8, 2023) “The right special needs trust can help ensure a loved one’s financial stability”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Do Joint Accounts With Rights of Survivorship Work?- Annapolis & Towson Estate Planning

A common request from seniors is to add their children to their bank accounts, in case something unexpected should occur. Their goal is admirable—to give their children access to funds in case of an emergency, says a recent article from Kiplinger, “Joint Account With Rights of Survivorship and Alternatives Explained.” However, making a child joint owner of a bank account, investment account or even a safe deposit box, can have unintended consequences.

Most couple’s bank accounts are set up by default as “Joint With Rights of Survivorship” or JWROS, automatically. Assets transfer to the surviving owner upon the death of the first spouse. This can lead to several problems. If the intent was for remaining assets not spent during a crisis to be distributed via the terms of a will, this will not happen. The assets will transfer to the surviving owner, regardless of directions in the will.

Adding anyone other than a spouse could also trigger a federal gift tax issue. For example, in 2023, anyone can gift up to $17,000 per year tax-free to anyone they want. However, if the gift exceeds $17,000 and the beneficiary is not a spouse, the recipient may need to file a gift tax return.

If a parent adds a child to a savings account and the child predeceases the parent, a portion of the account value could be includable in the child’s estate for state inheritance/estate tax purposes. The assets would transfer back to the parents, and depending upon the deceased’s state of residence, the estate could be levied on as much as 50% or more of the account value.

There are alternatives if the goal of adding a joint owner to an account is to give them access to assets upon death. For example, most financial institutions allow accounts to be structured as “Transfer on Death” or TOD. This adds beneficiaries to the account with several benefits.

Nothing happens with a TOD if the beneficiary dies before the account owner. The potential for state inheritance tax on any portion of the account value is avoided.

When the account owner dies, the beneficiary needs only to supply a death certificate to gain access to the account. Because assets transfer to a named beneficiary, the account is not part of the probate estate, since named beneficiaries always supersede a will.

Setting up an account as a TOD doesn’t give any access to the beneficiary until the death of the owner. This avoids the transfer of assets being considered a gift, eliminating the potential federal gift tax issue.

Planning for incapacity includes more than TOD accounts. All adults should have a Financial Power of Attorney, which allows one or more individuals to perform financial transactions on their behalf in case of incapacity. This is a better alternative than retitling accounts.

Retirement accounts cannot have any joint ownership. This includes IRAs, 401(k)s, annuities, and similar accounts.

Power of attorney documents should be prepared to suit each individual situation. In some cases, parents want adult children to be able to make real estate decisions and access financial accounts. Others only want children to manage money and not get involved in the sale of their home while they are incapacitated. A custom-designed Power of Attorney allows as much or as little control as desired.

Your estate planning attorney can help you plan for incapacity and for passing assets upon your passing. Ideally, it will be a long time before anything unexpected occurs. However, it’s best to plan proactively.’

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Kiplinger (March 30, 2023) “Joint Account With Rights of Survivorship and Alternatives Explained”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Is a Life Estate?- Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

The person who holds the life estate, known as the life tenant. He or she is entitled to live in and use the properly as they see fit. However, they don’t have the right to sell or transfer the property to someone else.

Realty Biz News’ recent article entitled, “What is a Life Estate and How to Use It,” explains that a recorded deed will reference that a property is a life estate and name the life tenant. Once the life tenant passes away, the property passes to the remainderman—those who will inherit the property after the life estate ends. Let’s look at some of the reasons why someone might want to have a life estate:

Estate Planning. By transferring property into a life estate, the original owner can ensure that the property will pass to a designated beneficiary without probate. It can be particularly useful for people who want to avoid the time, expense and complexity or the probate process.

Asset Protection. The original owner can protect the property from creditors and other potential liabilities by transferring the property into a life estate. This is useful for those in high-risk professions or with significant debts or legal issues.

Family Dynamics. A life estate can also be used to address family dynamics and ensure that everyone is taken care of. For example, a parent might create a life estate to ensure that their adult child can live in the family home for the remainder of their life without giving them outright ownership of the property.

Tax Planning. By transferring property into a life estate, the original owner can reduce their taxable estate and potentially lower their estate tax liability. This can benefit individuals with large estates who want to minimize their heirs’ tax burden.

When a life estate is created, the property is divided into two parts:

  1. the life estate; and
  2. the remainder interest.

The life tenant has the right to use and enjoy the property during their lifetime. The remainderman has the right to inherit the property after the life estate ends.

Remember, with a life estate; the ownership is broken down into possession and ownership. The life tenant has possession and ownership until they pass away; the remainderman has ownership only. When the life tenant passes away, the property passes to the remainderman, who becomes the new owner. The remainderman has the right to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the property as they see fit.

Reference: Realty Biz News (March 20, 2023) “What is a Life Estate and How to Use It”

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys!

Sims & Campbell, LLC– Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys