Read more about the article What are the Consequences of Dying Without a Will? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning
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What are the Consequences of Dying Without a Will? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Someone who dies (the “decedent”) with a legal will is known to have a testate inheritance. As such, their assets are distributed according to their will. A person who dies without a legitimate will has an intestate estate. Their assets are distributed according to the laws of inheritance.

Yahoo’s recent article, “What Happens If I Die Without a Valid Will?” says that estate planning is a local area of the law, so specific rules governing estate planning vary greatly from state to state.

When you die, all of your property is called your estate. If you die with a valid and enforceable will, then your estate is distributed in the following way:

  1. First, all attorney’s fees related to managing your estate are set aside for payment;
  2. The person managing your estate (the executor) then pays any debts that you had with the assets in your estate;
  3. Finally, after paying off all debts, your estate is distributed according to the instructions in your will.

Liabilities don’t transfer through an estate, so while you can inherit someone’s property, you can’t inherit their debts. However, debts can affect an inheritance in several ways. The first case is when liabilities transfer with the property. Therefore, if the decedent owed unpaid property taxes or a mortgage on their house and then left you that property if you wanted the house, you’d also have to take responsibility for paying those debts. If you don’t, the executor will sell the house, settle the debts and transfer any remaining money to you.

Second, liabilities can reduce a potential inheritance. Here, if someone leaves you $100,000 in their will but also has $40,000 in unpaid debts, you’d only get $60,000 because that’s what would be left. If the debts exceed the estate’s value, the individual dies insolvent, and their heirs would get nothing.

Other than managing liabilities like debt and taxes, a person can use their will to distribute their assets in almost any way they want. It’s important to understand this because many think family members automatically have a right to inherit money or property. This isn’t so.

Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo (Jan. 27, 2023) “What Happens If I Die Without a Valid Will?”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Can I Keep Stepchildren Out of Estate Plan? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Parents in second marriages may want to leave assets to their children and try to make sure that their stepchildren don’t inherit. However, if stepchildren inherit, it can create resentment leading to legal disputes that can cost the estate significantly in delay and attorney fees.

AOL’s recent article, “How to Protect Assets From Stepchildren,” says that taking specific estate planning steps will let you effectively protect your assets from stepchildren.

If a stepchild inherits some of your assets, your children may feel cheated out of their rightful inheritance. Therefore, they may contest any awards to stepchildren to protect their interests.

Your children will be recognized as heirs to your estate even without a will naming them as beneficiaries. Stepchildren don’t have the same rights.

In most cases, they won’t inherit from a deceased stepparent’s estate unless specifically listed as beneficiaries in the will. However, stepchildren still may receive assets from your estate if your spouse dies after you and leaves assets to their children. Preventing stepchildren from ever getting assets from your estate can be done. However, it requires definite action to exclude them as beneficiaries.

If your spouse from a second or later marriage dies first, you usually don’t have to do anything to prevent stepchildren from receiving assets you control.

Even after an intestate death that happens without a valid will, stepchildren typically aren’t recognized as having any right to assets in the estate. However, some states grant stepchildren some rights of inheritance. Ask an experienced estate planning attorney about this.

In addition, a will can name specific people, including stepchildren, and exclude them from receiving benefits from the estate.

Using a trust, you can ALSO prevent stepchildren from getting assets from your estate after you die.

This can help avoid conflicts and potential litigation from children upset because stepchildren received assets from the estate.

Remember that if you fail to act, stepchildren can still benefit even at the expense of your children if, for example, you die before your spouse, who then names their children as beneficiaries of the estate.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: AOL (April 26, 2023) “How to Protect Assets From Stepchildren”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

What to Do When a Spouse Dies – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

The death of a spouse is one of life’s most stressful events and is an overwhelming experience. Having to deal with life’s legal and financial aspects while grieving is a challenge, says a recent article, “What To Do After The Death Of A Spouse,” from Forbes. One thing to note: all tasks don’t have to be done at once.

What does need to be done promptly is making funeral arrangements, notifying family and friends and alerting your estate planning attorney. Other immediate steps include:

  • Obtaining multiple copies of the death certificate
  • Asking a friend or relative to watch the house during the funeral. Burglaries often occur during funerals, when burial plans are public.
  • Arrange for any pets to be cared for.

There are a number of things to avoid as well. Letting grief and fear delay important actions can lead to larger estate problems. Don’t neglect to contact Social Security to report the death and monitor tax and other deadlines. Don’t start giving away assets, whatever persistent family members may say. You’ll need to go through the estate process properly. Assets are not distributed until all other tasks have been completed.

Legal and financial documents must be gathered and reviewed, including bank statements, investment accounts, retirement accounts and beneficiary designations, life insurance policies, estate planning documents and outstanding debts or liabilities.

Bills need to be paid. This can become problematic. For example, were the bills paid from joint accounts, your or your spouse’s account? Do you have a list of all accounts? Is it okay to pay a joint bill from your bank account? Do you need to change regularly made payments formerly made from your deceased spouse’s account to your account?

Hopefully, you and your spouse had the right estate planning documents completed beforehand. Next, contact your estate planning attorney to discuss the will and any trusts. Assets owned by your spouse only will likely go through probate. Assets with beneficiary designations, like retirement accounts or life insurance policy proceeds, will go directly to the beneficiaries.

The surviving spouse needs to file taxes for themselves and the deceased spouse by April 15 of the following year. Discuss with your estate planning attorney whether or not you’ll need to file a federal or state estate tax return, which is due nine months after death. Note that these may need to be filed even if no tax is due.

Questions? Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Forbes (April 20, 2023) “What To Do After The Death Of A Spouse”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Do Heirs Have to Pay Debts from an Estate? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Part of estate planning is considering how future repayment of debts, both owed to the person and debts they are responsible for, will impact inheritances received by beneficiaries. A recent article from Lake County News, “Estate Planning: Debts and Estate Planning,” explains how the process works.

Assets passing to a beneficiary directly, outside of probate, are not typically subject to paying a decedent’s debts. These are life insurance proceeds, joint tenancy assets, Payable on Death (POD) and Transfer on Death (TOD), to name a few.

The estate plan must consider how much debt exists and how it might be paid. One approach is to purchase life insurance made payable to the trust estate.

A person may specifically gift real property, which would be subject to repaying an outstanding debt, like a mortgage.

If the beneficiary who would otherwise receive the residence takes it subject to repaying the secured debt, other assets in the estate would need to be reduced to pay the debt.

This should be addressed when the estate plan is created and must be expressly documented. If not addressed, the default rule is that any secured debt goes with the gift. It’s not likely to have been the plan. However, this is how the law works.

Third, parents and children may loan money between themselves. This is usually between parent and child.

Such family debts merit attention during estate planning. For example, parents may wish to loan money to a child to pay higher education costs, to buy a home, or to launch a business.

Upon the death of the parent, should any unpaid balance be repaid by the child to the parent’s estate, or should the child’s debt be forgiven? This must also be clearly stated in the will or trust, whatever is relevant.

If the parent wishes the child to pay the unpaid balance, the debt obligation and its payment history must be in writing and updated. The debt may be assigned to the parent’s trust and enforced by the successor trustee.

At death, the unpaid balance would need to be added back into the estate’s value to arrive at the correct gross value necessary to assess each share of the total estate.

The unpaid balance is usually subtracted from the debtor’s share.

Children might also be owed money from a parent. For example, the adult child might provide at-home personal care services to their parent, or money may be lent to help with the parent’s cost of living. The debt and repayment history also needs to be in writing and updated regularly.

Debt must be acknowledged, and the means of repaying the debt must be made clear. An estate planning attorney will help document and build repayment into the estate plan.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Lake Country News (April 29, 2023) “Estate Planning: Debts and Estate Planning”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Three Things Do People Overlook on Estate Planning Benefits? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

An estate plan is important for everyone. Without a legally enforceable estate plan, a court may apply state laws and decide how your assets will be distributed and who will raise your minor children. In addition to allowing you to direct the wrap-up of your affairs after you are gone, an estate plan can also help you reduce taxes, expedite settling your estate and reduce conflict in your family.

Yahoo Finance’s recent article, “3 Overlooked Benefits of Estate Planning,” explains that planning your estate entails making arrangements to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death.

While some think estate planning is only for those with mansions and millions in the bank, this isn’t true. Instead, even those with modest assets can benefit from having a defined estate plan.

Remember that the estate planning process isn’t about how much you have—it’s about making sure what you do have ends up where you want it. It may also decide who will be responsible for raising any minor children who survive you.

Your estate plan can also affect taxes, the time it takes to settle your estate, your end-of-life medical care and the odds that your family will fight over it.

Deciding who gets what is the big question of many estate plans. Your estate consists of the assets, property and personal items you own at your death. This may include real estate, bank accounts, life insurance, stocks and investments, retirement accounts, and personal property like collectibles, vehicles, art and jewelry.

The documents in estate plans include a last will and testament, a living will, financial and medical powers of attorney and documents establishing various trusts.

Start your estate plan today with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney and review it periodically to accommodate marriages, divorces and births. The process often includes reviewing your property and wishes, drafting a will, naming an executor, assigning healthcare and financial proxies and settling other matters, like funeral arrangements.

Questions? Contact us to schedule your complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo Finance (April 24, 2023) “3 Overlooked Benefits of Estate Planning”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Singles Need Estate Planning to Protect During Lifetime – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Estate planning is even more critical for singles than married couples—and it has nothing to do with whom you’ll leave assets to when you die. A recent article from AARP, “6 Estate Planning Tips for Singles,” explains how estate planning addresses support during challenging life events.

Estate planning addresses medical and financial decisions for an incapacitated person. For singles, there may be more complex questions to answer.

Whether someone has never married or is divorced or widowed, these are challenging questions to answer. However, they must be documented. Additionally, singles with minor children need to nominate a trusted person who can care for their children if they cannot. Estate planning addresses all of these issues.

To be sure you complete this process, start with a conversation with an experienced estate planning attorney. This will help with accountability, ensuring that you start and finish the process.

Here are some pointers for singles who keep putting this vital task off:

What would happen if you don’t leave clear instructions about who will make medical decisions in case of incapacity? A doctor who doesn’t know your wishes will decide for you. If you don’t want to be placed on a ventilator for artificial breathing or fed by a stomach tube while in a coma, the decision will be made regardless of your wishes.

Dying without a will is known as dying “intestate.” All of your assets will be distributed according to the intestate succession laws in your state. If no relatives come forward to claim your property, the state receives your assets. This is not what most people want.

Part of your estate plan includes naming a personal representative—an executor—who will oversee your affairs after your death. You’ll want to designate someone who is organized, has good judgment and can handle financial matters. You should also name a backup, so that if the first person cannot or does not wish to serve, there will be someone else to take control. Otherwise, the court will name someone who doesn’t even know you to take on this task. It’s better to designate someone than leave this to the state.

Your estate plan includes the following:

Last will and testament. This is where you nominate your executor, heirs and how your assets will be distributed. You can also appoint a guardian for minor children. Note that anyone named as a beneficiary on a retirement, insurance policy, or investment account supersedes any instructions in your will, so be sure to update those and check on them every few years to be sure they are still aligned with your wishes.

Living trust. This is a legal entity owning assets to be given to beneficiaries, managed by a trustee of your choosing, and avoids the delays and costs of probate.

Financial Power of Attorney (FPOA). This document authorizes someone you name to act as your agent and make financial decisions if you cannot. An FPOA can prevent delays in accessing bank and investment accounts and paying your bills. The FPOA ends upon your death.

Living will, durable medical power of attorney, or advance health care directive. These documents allow you to designate someone to communicate your health care wishes when you cannot. For example, you can include instructions on pain management, organ donation and your wishes for life support measures.

Health care power of attorney (HPOA). Like the living will, which is more associated with end-of-life care, the HPOA lets someone make medical treatment decisions on their behalf.

Be sure to communicate your wishes with family and friends. Tell your executor where your documents may be found and provide them with the information they’ll need so they may act on your behalf.

Contact us to speak with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: AARP (April 7, 2023) “6 Estate Planning Tips for Singles”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Should You have a Pet Trust Created? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

The infamous Leona Helmsley was the subject of as many headlines after her death as when she was alive, mainly because she left millions in trust for her dog, “Trouble.” However, you don’t have to have millions to want to protect your faithful pet’s future in the event of your passing, according to a recent article, “Pet Trusts Are Worth the ‘Trouble’” from Wealth Management.

Pets are legally considered the personal property of their owner, in the same way, one owns a house or a car. If no planning has been done, your heirs can inherit the ownership of your pet. However, they won’t be required to care for your pet. Instead, they can take the pet to a local shelter or, as often happens, abandon it. However, there are steps you can take to protect your animal companion.

Ask two friends or relatives if they would be willing to serve as emergency and/or long-term caretakers. Provide them with contact information for your veterinarian, discuss your wishes about what should happen to your pet and make sure they have each other’s contact information. Have a frank discussion of how expenses will be covered and stay in touch with them. Circumstances can change over time; if they move, have a health issue, or can’t manage the care of your pet, you’ll want to know about it.

Planning for pets has both legal and financial considerations. A pet trust may be created as part of a living trust or as a stand-alone trust. The named trustee has access to funds, and the language of the trust includes directions as to how funds should be used for your pet and how to distribute any remaining funds upon the death of your pet. Pet trusts are now valid in all states.

Note that a verbal agreement to care for your pet may not be legally enforceable. Therefore, you may prefer to use a pet trust. While you can put a provision in your will for the care of your pet, unlike a trust arrangement, there is no continuing obligation for the executor under a will to ensure the pet’s well-being once the estate administration is completed. Instead, you’ll have to count on the moral commitment of the caregiver to take care of your pet.

Planning for your protection shows why a pet trust is a good idea. For example, your Power of Attorney names an agent to act on your behalf in the event of your own physical or mental incapacity. It is possible to include specific funds in a Power of Attorney to maintain and support companion animals. However, this terminates on your death. A trust remains in effect for as long as the terms dictate, whether you are incapacitated or deceased.

Another option is to make arrangements with a humane society or animal rescue group to take possession and care of your pet. This may require making a specific donation to the group and having confidence that the organization will be operational as long as your pet lives.

Speak with your estate planning attorney about your state’s rules on pet trusts and plan for yourself and your beloved animal companion. You’ll then rest easy knowing you are both protected.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Wealth Management (April 14, 2023) “Pet Trusts Are Worth the ‘Trouble’”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Estate Planning for Blended Families – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Blended families are now nearly as common as traditional families. However, they still face unique estate planning decisions, says a recent article, “Considerations For Financial And Estate Planning Professionals Who Work With Blended Families” from Forbes.

Estate planning starts with a will. Naming an impartial executor may require more consideration than in traditional families where the eldest child is the likely candidate. The will also needs to nominate a guardian for minor children and appoint a power of attorney and healthcare proxy in case of incapacity. Traditional wills used to provide instructions for asset distribution may have limitations regarding blended families. Trusts may provide more control for asset distribution.

Wills don’t dictate beneficiaries for life insurance policies, retirement plans, or jointly owned property. However, wills are also subject to probate, which can become a long and costly process that opens the door for wills to be challenged in court.

Wills also become public documents once they are entered into probate. Any interested party may request access to the will, which may contain information the family would prefer to have private.

Trusts allow greater control over how assets are managed and distributed. Their contents remain private. There are many different types of trusts used to accomplish specific goals. For instance, a Qualified Terminal Interest Property Trust (QTIP) can provide income for a surviving spouse, while passing the rest of the assets to a client’s children or grandchildren.

Another type of trust is designed to skip a generation and distribute trust assets to grandchildren or those at least 37.5 years younger than the grantor. Some may choose to use this Generation-Skipping Trust (GST) to keep wealth in the family, by bypassing children who have married.

An IRA legacy trust can be the beneficiary of an IRA instead of family members. This option lets owners maintain creditor protection only sometimes afforded to one who inherits an IRA. The account owner may also want to use an IRA’s required minimum distributions (RMDs) to benefit a second spouse during their lifetime and leave the remainder to their children.

Couples entering a second or third marriage need to be transparent about their expectations of what each spouse will receive upon their death or in the event of divorce and whether or not they agree to waive their right to contest these commitments. A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract spelling out the terms before marriage. For example, in some instances, the prenup requires each spouse to maintain life insurance on the other to ensure liquidity, either from the policy’s death benefit or its cash value.

A final consideration is ensuring that all documentation created is easy to understand, clear and concise. Make sure to spell out the full names of beneficiaries for wills, trusts and life insurance, and include their birthdates, so it is easy to identify them and they cannot be confused with someone else. Estate planning is an ongoing process requiring review regularly to keep the estate plan consistent with the family’s evolving needs and goals.

Questions? Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial call with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Forbes (April 19, 2023) “Considerations For Financial And Estate Planning Professionals Who Work With Blended Families”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

Use Estate Planning to Prepare for Cognitive Decline – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Since 2000, the national median age in the U.S. has increased by 3.4 years, with the largest single year gain of 0.3 years in 2021, when the median age reached 38.8 years. This may seem young compared to the life expectancies of older Americans. However, the median age in 1960 was significantly lower, at 29.5 years, according to the article “Don’t Let Cognitive Decline Derail Well-Laid Financial Plans” from Think Advisor.

An aging population brings many challenges to estate planning attorneys who are mindful of the challenges of aging, both mental, physical and financial. Experienced estate planning attorneys are in the best position to help clients prepare for these challenges by taking concrete steps to protect themselves.

Individuals with cognitive decline become more vulnerable to potentially negative influences at the same time their network of trusted friends and family members begins to shrink. As people become older, they are often more isolated, making them increasingly susceptible to scams. The current scam-rich environment is yet another reason to use estate planning.

When a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia, an estate plan must be put into place as soon as possible, as long as the person is still able express their wishes. A diagnosis can lead to profound distress. However, there is no time to delay.

While typically, the person may state they wish their spouse to be entrusted with everything, this has to be properly documented and is only part of the solution. This is especially the case if the couple is close in age. A secondary and even tertiary agent needs to be made part of the plan for incapacity.

The documents needed to protect the individual and the family are a will, financial power of attorney, durable power of attorney and health care documentation. For families with more sophisticated finances and legacy goals, trusts and other estate and tax planning strategies are needed.

A common challenge occurs when parents cannot entrust their children to be named as their primary or secondary agents. For example, suppose no immediate family members can be trusted to manage their affairs. In that case, it may be necessary to appoint a family friend or the child of a family friend known to be responsible and trustworthy.

The creation of power of attorney documents by an estate planning attorney is critical. This is because if no one is named, the court will need to step in and name a professional guardian. This person won’t know the person or their family dynamics and may not put their ward’s best interests first, even though they are legally bound to do so. There have been many reports of financial and emotional abuse by court-appointed guardians, so this is something to avoid if possible.

Contact us to speak with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Think Advisor (April 21, 2023) “Don’t Let Cognitive Decline Derail Well-Laid Financial Plans”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys 

What are Pros and Cons of a Marital Trust? – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Forbes’ recent article, “Guide To Marital Trusts,” explains multiple advantages to using a marital trust.

The main benefits are the following:

  • You can double your estate tax exemption amount to $24.12 million
  • Provide income and financial stability to the surviving spouse
  • Keep assets within the family
  • Protect assets from creditors and potential new spouses; and
  • Provide financial stability to the remaining beneficiaries once the surviving spouse dies.

However, there are also downsides to using a marital trust. Those downsides include:

  • Are irrevocable, so once they’re established, it’s extremely hard to dissolve or change them
  • Only offer up to $24.12 million in estate tax exemption; and
  • Require transferring assets into the trust, which can be a lengthy process.

A marital trust will lay out the grantor (you), the trustee (who will manage the trust) and the beneficiaries.

A marital trust is a beneficial estate planning tool that will take care of your surviving spouse after you’ve passed away.

By using this strategic tool, you can essentially double the amount of your estate that won’t be taxed at a federal level.

You can also ensure that your wealth stays within your family by transferring assets into a marital trust.

Questions? Contact us to speak with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Forbes (June 30, 2022) “Guide To Marital Trusts”

Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys