Do I Need a Last Will and Testament? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Estate planning encompasses everything from planning for property distribution at death to preparing for incapacity, tax planning and guardian planning for minor children. An experienced estate planning attorney is involved with far more than a last will and testament. However, this is what most people think of when they sit down for their first meeting.

A recent article titled “Last Will and Testament” from mondaq examines what the last will and testament does and how it differs from trusts. These two are only part of a comprehensive estate plan.

A will is only effective upon death.  Its directions are not followed while living or if a person becomes incapacitated. A will does not avoid probate, rather it ensures assets go to the people as directed by the person making the will. Without a will, assets are distributed according to the laws of the state, usually determined by kinship. A certain percentage will go to a spouse and another percentage will go to biological children. Unmarried partners and stepchildren have no legal right of inheritance.

The will is also the legal document used to name an executor, the person responsible for carrying out the directions in the will and managing the estate. The executor has a long list of duties, from making sure the will is validated by the court during probate to applying for an estate tax identification number with the IRS, opening an estate bank account, notifying Social Security of the decedent’s passing, paying debts, paying taxes for the individual and for the estate and distributing property,

The will is used to name a guardian for minor children. When planning has been done correctly, the guardian is provided with information about the children’s lives and financial planning has been done for the children’s support and for their education. A trust is usually used to hold assets for the benefit of the children, with a trustee named to manage funds.

Wills go through probate, which varies by state. Once the will is filed in court, it becomes a public document. Heirs must be notified, even those not included in the will. An alternative is creating and placing assets in a trust to protect privacy and manage and distribute property.

Trusts are not just for wealthy people. They are used to maintain privacy, as the assets in the trust do not pass through probate. The trustee is in charge of the trust and making distributions to beneficiaries. There are many different types of trusts; an experienced estate planning attorney will be able to recommend the optimal one for each client based on their situation.

The trust is effective upon its creation and is a separate legal entity and is also used to protect assets from creditors. Trusts are more complicated than traditional bank accounts. However, their ability to protect assets and maintain privacy make them a valuable part of any estate plan.

If a person becomes incapacitated, the trust remains in effect. If the trust is a revocable trust, meaning the grantor is able to change its terms as long as they are living and the grantor becomes incapacitated, a successor trustee can step in and manage the trust without court intervention.

Trusts do require diligence to create. Trust must be funded, meaning assets need to be retitled so they are owned by the trust. New accounts may need to be open, if retitling is not possible. Beneficiaries need to be established and terms need to be set. The trust can be created to fund a college education or for general use. However, terms need to be established.

A comprehensive estate plan protects the individual while they are living and protects the family after they have passed. It is a gift to those you love.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: mondaq (Nov. 16, 2022) “Last Will and Testament”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What’s a Bequest? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning


Yahoo’s recent article entitled “Bequests vs. Gifts: Which One Do I Need?” explains that a bequest is the personal property given to beneficiaries through the terms of a will when the original owner dies. A bequest can be cash, stocks, bonds, art, jewelry, or other personal items. However, it can’t be real estate: when real estate is given to another person through a will or trust, it’s known as a devise.

There are four distinct types of bequests: specific, general, demonstrative and residuary. A specific bequest is the transfer of a particular asset, like jewelry, artwork, or automobiles, to a specific person. A general bequest is a gift, typically money, given from the person’s general assets (rather than from a specific asset). A demonstrative bequest is a gift that comes from a stated source like a bank account or retirement fund. Finally, a residuary bequest is a gift made after all debts are paid by the estate and other bequests are made.

You can also direct assets to be left to a nonprofit organization, like a religious or educational institution, as a charitable bequest. Charitable bequests can be specific, general, demonstrative, or residuary.

What distinguishes a bequest from a gift is when and how it’s given. While a bequest is property a person leaves to a beneficiary through a will following their death, a gift is given when someone is still alive.

When a person dies, their estate may be subject to one or more taxes called “death taxes.” These include the federal estate tax, state estate taxes and state inheritance taxes. However, most Americans don’t have to worry about paying federal estate taxes because they only apply to estates worth more than $12.92 million per individual ($25.84 million for married couples). Estates below this are exempt from this tax. Estates that exceed the exemption limit are taxed based on how far over the cap they go.

In addition to the federal taxes, some states charge their own estate taxes with separate exemption limits and rates. These states are Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

Finally, a few states have inheritance taxes, which are paid by beneficiaries who inherit property. This is different from estate taxes, which are paid by the estates themselves before property is transferred to beneficiaries. The states with inheritance taxes are Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The Iowa state legislature voted to repeal its inheritance tax in 2021, and the tax will be gradually phased out until it is fully repealed in 2025.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo (Jan. 16, 2023) “Bequests vs. Gifts: Which One Do I Need?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

When Is Life Insurance Taxable to Beneficiaries? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

When people purchase life insurance policies, they designate a beneficiary who will benefit from the policy’s proceeds. When the life insurance policyholder dies, the policy’s beneficiary then receives a payout known as the death benefit.

Yahoo Finance’s recent article entitled “Will My Beneficiaries Pay Taxes on Life Insurance?” says the big advantage of buying a life insurance policy is that, upon death, your beneficiaries can get a substantial lump sum payment without taxation, unless the amount of the life insurance pushes your estate above the applicable federal estate tax exemption. In that case, your estate will need to pay the tax.

While death benefits are usually tax-free, there are a few situations where the beneficiary of a life insurance policy may have to pay taxes on the lump sum payout. When you earn income from interest, it’s typically taxable. Therefore, if the beneficiary decides to delay the payout instead of receiving it right away, the death benefit may continue to accumulate interest. The death benefit won’t be taxed. However, the beneficiary will typically pay taxes on the additional interest.

If a life insurance policyholder decides to name their estate as the death benefit beneficiary, the estate could be subject to taxation. When you don’t designate a person as your beneficiary, the proceeds from the life insurance policy are subject to Section 2024 of the IRS code. That says if the gross estate incorporates proceeds of a life insurance policy, the value of a life insurance policy must be payable to the estate directly or indirectly or to named beneficiaries (if you had any “incidents of ownership” throughout the policy term).

The proceeds of a life insurance policy may also pass to the estate if the beneficiary dies, and there are no contingent beneficiaries. If you have a will in place, the proceeds will be paid out according to the terms of the will. If there’s no will in place, the probate court decides the way in which to distribute your assets.

The individual insured on a life insurance policy and the policyholder are usually the same person. The policyholder then names a beneficiary. However, a gift tax may apply if the insured, the policyholder and the beneficiary are three different parties. Because the IRS assumes the death benefit was a gift from the policyholder to the beneficiary, you might have to pay gift taxes on the death benefit.

Beneficiaries usually won’t have to pay taxes on life insurance proceeds. However, some situations can result in a taxable event. Be sure that your beneficiary designations are clearly outlined in the policy to avoid taxation.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo Finance (Jan. 17, 2023) “Will My Beneficiaries Pay Taxes on Life Insurance?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

 Estate planning means making plans to manage and distribute assets and caring for loved ones in the event of a person’s death or incapacity.  It also involves the creation of legally binding documents to outline a person’s wishes for health care and financial matters. Estate planning ensures your wishes are carried out and is also used as a means to minimizes taxes, as explained in the article “Why Estate Planning Is Important Even If You Don’t Have Assets” from The LA Progressive. 

Even if you don’t have significant assets, you still need to make decisions about your health care, which is done as part of an estate plan. Here are the fundamentals to get you started.

Will. This is a legal document with specific instructions regarding how your assets are to be distributed after death and who should be named as a guardian to care for minor children. The will is also used to name a person to serve as executor of your estate to carry out your wishes and manage distribution of assets.

Trust. A trust is a legal entity holding property or other assets on behalf of another person, known as the beneficiary. There are many different types of trusts, including revocable, irrevocable and charitable trusts.

The revocable trust allows you to maintain control over assets in the trust during your lifetime. After death, the assets in the trust are distributed according to the terms in the trust. An irrevocable trust can’t be changed or amended once it’s established. Charitable trusts are used to provide for a nonprofit organization.

Trusts are used to manage and distribute assets during a person’s lifetime and after their death. They are also used to remove assets from the taxable estate and can also be used to manage expenses associated with the distribution of one’s estate.

Healthcare Power of Attorney. This document allows you to name someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated and can’t make decisions for yourself. These should be created with your personal situation in mind; a standard form may not permit the nuances you want to convey to another person. With a customized healthcare POA, you can specify the type of decisions your healthcare agent may make and describe any limitations you want over their authority.

Financial Power of Attorney. The financial POA allows you to name a person, called your “agent” or “attorney in fact,” to manage finances if you are too sick or injured to do so. This should also be a customized document, as you may want to limit your agent’s authority to pay bills or allow them to do everything from paying bills to managing investment accounts. The POA expires upon your death and the agent can’t perform any tasks once you have passed away.

Without an estate plan, the care of minor children and distribution of assets takes place according to state laws, which isn’t how most people want their decisions made. The solution is actually quite easy: talk with a local estate planning attorney and get started on creating your estate plan.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: LA Progressive (Jan. 11, 2023) “Why Estate Planning Is Important Even If You Don’t Have Assets”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Steps to Take for End-of-Life Planning – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Most people don’t consider anything about planning for incapacity or death to be joyful. However, if you consider estate planning documents as a way to share your wishes and make your departure easier for those you love, as well as a means to express your thoughts and feelings, it could make these tasks a little cheerier. A recent article from The Washington Post, “6 joyful steps for end-of-life planning,” could help reframe how you think of estate planning.

From a practical standpoint, death and incapacity are complicated for loved ones. They will appreciate your preparing an advance health directive, which should be created when a person is healthy, and not when they are in a hospital bed. The same goes for funeral arrangements, which are costly. There are so many choices and decisions to make—do your loved ones even know what you want? Leaving instructions and paying in advance will remove the burden for adult children trying to know what you wanted and dealing with the expense of paying for a funeral.

Digging through a loved one’s credit card bills, cellphone accounts, bank accounts and internet passwords is a big challenge in today’s digital world. It was far easier when there were stacks of paper for every account. Today’s executors need to have all of this information to avoid lost assets, avoid identity theft and prevent roadblocks to wrapping up your estate.

Here’s a checklist to help get your estate plan moving forward.

1 Create a crisis notebook. One binder with all estate planning documents will make it easier for loved ones. You should make additional copies but keep originals in one place—and tell your executor where the binder can be found. Create a worksheet of your many documents, so loved ones will know what they are looking for.

2 Have an advance directive created while you are having your estate plan made. This tells your loved ones what you want in case of incapacity and end-of-life decisions.

3 Have a will created with an experienced estate planning attorney. Without a will, the laws of your state determine how your property is distributed and who raises your minor children. Wills are state-specific, so a local estate planning attorney is your best resource. Be wary of online documents—if they are deemed invalid, it will be as if you didn’t have a will.

4 Make a digital estate plan. No doubt you have more than one email account, shopping accounts with more than a few retailers, credit cards, car leases or loans, home mortgage payments, social media, cloud storage, gaming accounts and more. Without a complete and comprehensive list of all accounts, your executor won’t know what needs to be closed, where your personal documents or photos live or how to retrieve them.

5 Plan your funeral. Yes, it is a little morbid, but do you want your loved ones to have to incur the cost and the emotional burden of planning, when you can do it for them? You’ll feel better knowing your wishes will be followed, whether it’s for a “green” funeral or a cremation, with a long period of mourning following your faith’s tradition or a short memorial service.

6 Write a letter of intent and any final farewells. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts with those you love, with healthcare providers and anyone else who matters to you, about healthcare decisions at end of life, or to convey your values, hopes and dreams for those you love.

When your wills, advance care directives, power of attorney, digital estate plan and funeral plans are all completed, you’ll be surprised at the sense of relief you feel.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: The Washington Post (Jan. 5, 2023) “6 joyful steps for end-of-life planning”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Why Change the Executor of Your Will? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

Yahoo Finance’s recent article entitled “How to Change the Executor of a Will” explains that you may need to choose a new executor in the following situations:

  • Your original executor dies or becomes seriously ill and can’t fulfill his or her duties;
  • You named your spouse as executor but you’ve divorced;
  • The individual you originally designated as executor decides he or she no longer wants the responsibility;
  • You’ve had a personal falling out with your executor; and
  • You think another person is better equipped to execute your will.

However, you don’t need to give a specific reason to change the executor of a will. When you’re ready to make a change, you can add a codicil to an existing will or draft a new will.

A codicil is a written amendment used to modify the terms of your will without drafting a new one. It can be used to change the executor of a will or revise any other terms as needed.

You must validate the codicil the same way you did your original will, signing and dating the codicil with the same legal formalities required for the original will.

If you’d like to change more than just the executor of your will, you might think about drafting a new will document. The new will would also need to be signed with the same legal formalities required for the original will.

You must also take the added step of destroying all copies of the original will. This is needed to avoid confusion and any possible challenges to the terms of the will after you die.

If you don’t name an executor in your will, the probate court can assign one. After you die, eligible persons can apply to become the executor of your estate. The individual the judge selects would then be able to carry out the terms of your will.

If you don’t have a will at all, then your assets would be distributed by default according to your state’s inheritance laws.  Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys

Reference: Yahoo Finance (Dec. 28, 2022) “How to Change the Executor of a Will”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Is HIPAA Authorization? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

The HIPAA Privacy Rule, which has been in effective since April 14, 2003, brought forth standards covering the permittable uses and disclosures of health information, including to whom information can be disclosed and under what circumstances protected health information (PHI) can be shared.

HIPAA Journal’s recent article entitled “What is HIPAA Authorization?” says that, generally, permitted uses and disclosures are for treatment, payment, or health care operations, and reporting issues, such as domestic abuse to public health agencies.

HIPAA authorization is consent from a patient or health plan member that lets a covered entity or business associate use or disclose PHI to an individual/entity for a purpose that would otherwise not be allowed by the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

Without HIPAA authorization, this use or disclosure of PHI would violate HIPAA Rules and could result in a severe financial penalty. It may even criminal.

Federal regulations detail the uses and disclosures of PHI that require an authorization to be obtained from a patient or plan member before info can be shared or used. HIPAA authorization is required for:

  • Use or disclosure of PHI otherwise not permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule;
  • Use or disclosure of PHI for marketing purposes, except when communication occurs face to face between the covered entity and the individual or when the communication involves a promotional gift of nominal value;
  • Use or disclosure of psychotherapy notes other than for specific treatment, payment, or health care operations;
  • Use or disclosure of substance abuse and treatment records;
  • Use or disclosure of PHI for research purposes; and
  • Prior to the sale of protected health information.

A HIPAA authorization is a detailed document in which specific uses and disclosures of protected health are explained in full.

By signing the authorization, a person is giving their consent to have their health information used or disclosed for the reasons stated on the authorization.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys

Reference: HIPAA Journal (Oct. 9, 2021) “What is HIPAA Authorization?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Happens When There Is No Will? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

A will ensures that your personal and financial assets are given to the people and organizations you want. It also allows you to choose the person you want to settle your affairs, known as your executor. The time to have a will prepared is typically the same time people have a power of attorney and healthcare proxy forms prepared, according to the article “What Happens if You Die Without a Will?” from The Street.

Your estate plan is the term used to describe having all of these and other tools prepared to work together. It has nothing to do with the size of your estate, which could be modest or major. Regardless of the financial size or complexity of your life, you need a will.

What happens without a will?

A married person with children who dies without a will does the family a great disservice. All property, including real estate, investments and accounts that are jointly owned with the spouse go to the co-owner without needing to go through probate. However, separately owned property and accounts are distributed by the state in the absence of a will. Depending on the state, one-third may be awarded to the surviving spouse, and the remainder may be divided among the children. If the children are minors, the funds will be held in an account only accessible with court approval. The family may find itself without sufficient funds to maintain its lifestyle.

A person who is married but has no children or grandchildren and dies without a will may have their entire estate given to the surviving spouse. However, some states have a cap of $100,000. Other states give a third of to one-half of assets to the surviving spouse and the rest to the deceased’s parents, if they are living, or to the siblings. Jointly owned property, accounts and community property go to the surviving spouse.

What about a single person with children? With no will, the state law gives the decedent’s assets to surviving children in equal shares. If an adult child is deceased, their share is split among their own children (the decedent’s grandchildren). However, if the children are minors, the money is subject to court control and supervision.

If someone who is single and has no children dies, the state usually gives their assets to surviving parents. If the parents are not living, the assets will be distributed to the decedent’s siblings, or nephews and nieces, if the siblings have also passed. The state will reference a consanguinity chart—a chart used to help identify relationships of people showing degrees of family relationships by blood or marriage. Assets may pass to distant cousins who have never met or even known of the existence of the decedent.

If there are no living family members, the estate typically goes to the state itself.

When a member of an unmarried couple dies without a will, the surviving partner has no legal rights at all. Only spouses and relatives are recognized by state law. The partner will not inherit anything; assets will pass as if the person was single.

Domestic partners are treated differently in different states. In some states, they have inheritance rights, but this is state-dependent.

An experienced estate planning attorney can create a will and related documents to ensure your wishes are carried out upon your death. Otherwise, your estate will be distributed according to the laws of your state. You can protect yourself and your loved ones with a will.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys

Reference: The Street (Jan. 2, 2023) “What Happens if You Die Without a Will?”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

What Should Not Be Kept in a Safe Deposit Box? Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

In today’s digital world, almost everything of importance is stored virtually, in the cloud. A physical safe deposit box might seem like a throwback, but still has some good uses, says a recent article from Kiplinger, “Things You’ll Regret Keeping in a Safe Deposit Box.”

Some things belonging in a safe deposit box include prized possessions, like a valued baseball card collection or jewelry inherited from a loved one. Some important documents—but not all—should be kept in a safe deposit box.

There are many items you may regret putting in a safe deposit box, particularly if you need to access them in an emergency, when the bank isn’t open. The bank may also not be open during emergencies, including natural disasters. The COVID lockdown reduced many bank branch hours, or banks required appointments to access safe deposit boxes.

Here are some things that don’t belong in your safe deposit box:

Cash. If you need cash in an emergency and the bank is closed, you’ll have to wait. Idle money also loses buying power over time when inflation is high. A better place for the money if you don’t need it: an interest-bearing account or a certificate of deposit. Many banks also forbid storing cash in a safe deposit box. The cash has no protection from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures up to $250,000 per deposit per bank. However, it is only if your money is in a checking account, savings account, or certificate of deposit.

Passport. Unless you travel internationally frequently, you probably don’t use your passport often. However, what if you score a great deal on a trip with a Monday departure—and the bank is closed until Monday morning? Or a college student on a semester abroad has an emergency and you need to jump on a plane? It’s best to have a passport at home in a secure, waterproof and fireproof safe.

Your will and other estate planning documents. Keeping copies of your will, your spouse’s will and any will in which you’re named the executor in a safe deposit box makes good sense. However, your original will does not belong there, especially if you are the sole owner of the safe deposit box. After your death, the bank will seal the safe deposit box until the executor can prove they have the legal right to access it. Settling your estate will be delayed until this is resolved.

Keep the original copy of your will either with your estate planning attorney, if they provide the service, or keep it where your executor or spouse can easily access it. Copies are fine in the safe deposit box. However, originals need to be accessible.

Final letters of instruction. Writing a letter of instruction to go along with your estate plan is smart. The letter can convey your wishes for medical care, if want to be buried or cremated and what kind of memorial service you want. However, if the letter is sealed up in a safe deposit box, your wishes will never be granted. Keep a letter of instruction with your original will and consider sending dated copies of the letter to anyone who you want to take action on your behalf or who is designed to receive a specific bequest.

Powers of Attorney. A POA gives authority to a third party to act on your behalf should you become incapacitated. If it’s locked in a safe deposit box and only you have access to the box, the person you want to protect you when you are incapacitated will not be able to help. Keep the original POA with the original copy of your will. Copies are fine for anyone who will need them. However, the original stays with your will.

Advance Directives. Much like the POA, your advance directives—living will and health care proxy—will be needed if you become seriously ill or injured or incapacitated. Without quick access to these advance directives, no one will know your wishes. Make sure that medical providers and family members have copies on hand.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Kiplinger (Jan. 4, 2023) “Things You’ll Regret Keeping in a Safe Deposit Box”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys

Why You Need a Secondary Beneficiary – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning

A secondary beneficiary, sometimes called a contingent beneficiary, is a person or entity entitled to receive assets from an estate or trust after the estate owner’s death, if the primary beneficiary is unable or unwilling to accept the assets. Secondary beneficiaries can be relatives or other people, but they can also be trusts, charities or other organizations, as explained in the recent article titled “What You Need to Know About Secondary or Contingent Beneficiaries” from Yahoo life.

An estate planning lawyer can help you decide whether you need a secondary beneficiary for your estate plan or for any trusts you create. Chances are, you do.

Beneficiaries are commonly named in wills and trust documents. They are also used in life insurance policies and in retirement accounts. After the account owner dies, the assets are distributed to beneficiaries as described in the legal documents.

The primary beneficiary is a person or entity with the first claim to assets. However, there are times when the primary beneficiary does not accept the assets, can’t be located, or has predeceased the estate owner.

A secondary beneficiary will receive the assets in this situation. They are also referred to as the “remainderman.”

In many cases, more than one contingent beneficiary is named. Multiple secondary beneficiaries might be entitled to receive a certain percentage of the value of the entire estate. More than one secondary beneficiary may also be directed to receive a portion of an individual asset, such as a family home.

Estate planning attorneys may even name an additional set of beneficiaries, usually referred to as tertiary beneficiaries. They receive assets if the secondary beneficiaries are not available or unwilling to accept the assets. In some cases, estate planning attorneys name a remote contingent beneficiary who will only become involved if all of the primary, secondary and other beneficiaries can’t or won’t accept assets.

For example, a person may specify their spouse as the primary beneficiary and children as secondary beneficiaries. A more remote relative, like a cousin, might be named as a tertiary beneficiary, while a charity could be named as a remote contingent beneficiary.

Almost any asset can be bequeathed by naming beneficiaries. This includes assets like real estate (in some states), IRAs and other retirement accounts, life insurance proceeds, annuities, securities, cash and other assets. Secondary and other types of beneficiaries can also be designated to receive personal property including vehicles, jewelry and family heirlooms.

Naming a secondary beneficiary ensures that your wishes as expressed in your will are going to be carried out even if the primary beneficiary cannot or does not wish to accept the inheritance. Lacking a secondary beneficiary, the estate assets will have to go through the probate process. Depending on the state’s laws, having a secondary beneficiary avoids having the estate distribution governed by intestate succession. Assets could go to someone who you don’t want to inherit them!

Talk with your estate planning attorney about naming secondary, tertiary and remote beneficiaries.

Contact us to review your estate plan with one of our experienced estate planning attorneys.

Reference: Yahoo life (Jan. 4, 2023) “What You Need to Know About Secondary or Contingent Beneficiaries”


Sims & Campbell, LLC – Annapolis and Towson Estate Planning Attorneys